Balancing by Numbers: Condensed Version of Lloyd’s Audios
By Christine Danyi
Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved

1) Intro.
Lloyd views the body as a ball of energy. We're 80% water and 20% mineral and we operate in an electrical system. These electrical energies are referred to as frequencies. These various frequencies deliver various programs to the body. There may be as many as 1.2 million frequencies in the human body. We are very much like a radio station. Each station is a frequency or program. A good way to look at the numbers is they are either moving something away or they are filling a hole.

All the numbers in the manual, with the exception of the ID, Identification numbers (and one number that Lloyd developed for Lyme mentioned below under Spirochetes), are all numbers that are present in the human body. When Lloyd develops a number, he always checks himself and his wife, Phyllis, before giving the number to someone. He wants to be sure it's a number that is natural to the human energy system.

ID Numbers

ID numbers are strictly for Identification of a possible problemYou would never want to 'give' a person an ID number. Some of the Identification numbers are reversed and then given. These are noted in the manual as (ID reversed) if it's a number that Lloyd will give to the person in reverse once he has identified that they have the ID number.

An example of an ID number that you would not give in reverse is the Death Energy ID number. Lloyd checks to see if this number is present or not. If it is, he then measures how much of the number has been built. The number builds from the right. So if the person has the energy of the first number at the end of the sequence then there's very little of that energy there. If they have all the numbers but the first few then Lloyd knows that that energy is getting stronger.

A good way to use ID numbers is as a marker or as an indicator that a problem may be arising. It's a clue in your hunt to find out what's really wrong. Once you start bringing the body back online you can go back and recheck to see if they still have the ID numbers.

4) Anti age, Lloyd doesn't have too much to say here except that this is an ongoing effort of theirs to create anti-aging numbers. He doesn't get the chance to dowse many centenarians and wishes he could do more.

5) Arthritis – Lloyd's opinion on arthritis is that it's caused by some other problem in the body. If the body was in balance then you wouldn't have arthritis.

7) Autoimmune. These are supportive numbers. The Immune Boost number reversed can help take the aggressiveness out of the immune system. That number is 62587756458.

10) Tachyon energy elim number. Tachyon energy was effecting people about 10yrs ago and the people that were affected were totally fatigued. Lloyd hasn't been detecting this energy lately.

16) Body Salts, natural sugars and solar energies. You should have all the numbers on these pages. The numbers for Solar energies are all numbers we get out of the solar system. Under Natural sugars, the number 81384836587 NA26, NA26 is for Sodium. Lloyd says this is a good number for weight loss. Note: You don't have to say 'NA26' as part of the number.

18) Brain, First number Addiction 'Near Insula' 67782739578 , The Near Insula is a part of the brain that they believe has something to do with addictions. If the person has this number you would want to give them this number in reverse to rebalance them. Pg 24. SORL-1 Brain disorder. SORL-1 is a gene. Lloyd says everyone should do that number as it will re-energize that gene. If that gene loses its energy then it drags the whole brain down.

25) Calcium- Those are the exact calcium requirements for the human body. Most of the calcium that you will find in the health foods store and added to foods like OJ is calcium 51, 50, or 49 which is not the correct calcium for the body.  Calcium 51 is most common in supplements. You can do any one of the numbers. You are much better doing the numbers than taking a calcium supplement. Note: you can remove calcium 51 and 49 with the numbers on the undesirable minerals page 205

26) Cancer. These numbers form the defense team against the various types of cancer and if you have the number, you won't have that type of cancer. If you have the number then you are protected from that type of cancer. If you don't have the number, you may very well be in the development stage, you may have the energy of cancer starting to do it's job.

The Cancer Pattern Master ID Protected #, if this number is missing then Lloyd is looking for cancer. Calcium 51 (pg 26) and Pallonium 68 (pg 29) are good numbers to do to eliminate energies that can cause cancer. Pg 27 Glycoprotein (GC) helps the body develop macrophages. This protein is effective in repairing the immune system. Also  pg30 TX cell development helps with the macrophages. These are very important numbers in the battle against cancer.

35) Candida. If you didn't have a way to determine what numbers you were missing then you would just do all the candida numbers.

37) Chromosomes- this is a critical part of Lloyd's program. Fixing the chromosomes is something even medical can't do. If you can detect missing chromosomes, generally there are 2 or 3 missing at the same time. For example you may find 10, 11,and 12 not working but one of these will be the key numbers to turn on the others. These are powerful numbers for certain types of leukemia and unexplainable conditions. It could be that the DNA isn’t functioning right.

Lloyd notes that if you can't seem to identify what’s causing the problem then make sure to check the chromosomes. To check for missing chromosomes you would dowse or muscle test by looking for missing pairs as in chromosome pair 1, pair 2, pair 3 and so forth. There are 23 pairs and we have the ability to replace them if they are not functioning. Lloyd says that chromosome 20 is perhaps effected by fear, the inherent fear of losing your job, or your house, or your family. This ever present fear can cause the body to produce immature blood cells and then the body can't pack enough oxygen to support life so you become weak. It may well lead to leukemia. So you correct chromosome 20 and get it back online by repeating the number 7x. It takes a couple hours but Lloyd would then be able to dowse if the body was producing mature cells.

39) Congestive Heart. Three numbers here that are most important. Bacteria/Virus Phil final 886988979, Congestive Heart Elim 88475677468 and Reduce Fluid 38475748578. All the other numbers on this page should come in by doing these numbers.

40) Diabetes- Lloyd finds diabetes very difficult. Important numbers are on pg 41, 3 down from the top, Correct Insulin 38677642495 which improves the quality of insulin that your body is putting out. Also Inflammation elim # on pg 40 – 67875987397 A lot of what happens in diabetes is inflammation. This number is a protection number. Incorrect minerals can bring on diabetes, on top of pg 40 is Diabetes Metal ID, if you test strong for this number then you have these minerals in the body. Use the Diabetes Metal elim #64467856699. It won't hurt you to have all the other numbers too.

44) Digestion. The digestive energy numbers on pg 49 would  be good numbers to do if your digestive system is a little sluggish. Constipation numbers may help some people

52) Disease. Lloyd's program is not really strong on disease. It's more designed to regulate the body and normalize it and in doing so we would hope that some of the diseases can't exist. Most of the numbers on this page were developed for certain individuals.

53) Elastin and Collagen numbers are all good to have.

55) Emotions Most Used- Will to Live ID- if someone doesn't have a will to live they will probably be missing this number. Give the number in reverse to correct the problem and to bring in the 'will to live' energy. Pg 56- Inherent fear in the body #87329667488. This inherent fear can be very debilitating. It's an undetectable fear of something. This is the number to get the fear out of the body

61) Endocrine System. Lloyd points out a number here on pg 62 called Parathyroid to Reduce Calcium 51 in Body. Again, calcium 51 is the wrong calcium for the body and sometimes the parathyroid which controls calcium in the body will go out of control by too much calcium 51. That number will help eliminate it from the body.

64) Energy and Stamina. Important numbers here are Chronic Fatigue Elim, Epstein Barr Virus Elim, Fatigue Elim 48679778967, Stabilize fatigue elim, pg 67 Neutral Energy to negative energy 78902345789. We operate in a negative field, we pick up negative ions walking on the beach and sitting in front of a fire. Pg 64 SORTI energy is very much more present in the city than in the countryside. It's a natural energy but it gets contaminated in highly populated areas. It has the effect of shutting down the medulla oblongata. Blood flow in the basiliary artery can also be affected. The SORTI elim number 98386746677 can improve the body's ability to fend off this energy.

69) Enzyme function. Lloyd has a theory about autistic folks and their enzyme function. He thinks that part of the problem is in the development stage of the fetus where certain energies are required to produce a healthy baby. He thinks that H2 (Hydrogen 2) may be lacking. It may be that the energies on earth are getting weaker and weaker and H2 becomes deficient. He finds that autistic folks usually lack the Correct Enzyme malfunction #22374872276. His theory is in autism there's an inability to take energy out of consumption. Food is reactive rather than nourishing. This number can correct this problem.

Enzyme Function. You should have all these numbers. 'Horse Energy Elim', Lloyd was dealing with a person who had digestive problems and they had been around a lot of horses and had acquired some type of energy from the horse. This number was the elimination number to get rid of this energy. The Horse Energy number 9746584253436777 and the next Stabilizing (elim type of energy) 9768775678436339 plus the Adjust liver cells 999748865929, these three numbers are important. They appear to stabilize the other numbers here. They are stabilization numbers for the whole page. When Lloyd checks for these three numbers he's never found that the person didn’t have everything else on that page.

70) Frequencies. These are the frequencies of Promethium and the fundamental frequencies of life. It's the energy that you find in colostrum, or the first milk. If you don't have them all you could have problems.

  • Freq 8 is protection from viruses and infections.

  • Freq 14 protection from autoimmune diseases.

  • Freq 20 Protection from schizophrenia.

  • Freq 23 Bi-Polar, cancer.

  • Freq 28 Alzheimer's, Dementia.

  • Freq 38 Emotional Freq.

  • Lloyd says that Frequency 23 will often disappear in a cancer patient. 

A note about Promethium, or Pm on the periodic table. It has not been found on earth but is present in the ozone layer. You can read it in the fetus and in a new born up to about 6 ½ to 7 months. It's a life protection number that helps to sustain the baby until it can start eating real live food. Each of these frequencies is supported in the foods that we eat. A carrot may have freq 8, an apple may have freq 20 but each live food has one of these fundamental frequencies. Pm disappears faster in animals, maybe after the first 3months. Some other good numbers to have pg 70 Depression Elim, pg 71, Adrenal Boost, Brain Balance, Conscience Stable, Digestive Energy, Energy Boost, pg 73 Immune boost.  The Conscience stable number brings all the systems into order, nervous, digestive etc

71) Brain Expansion numbers. Most of us use about 12% of our brain. These expansion numbers can help raise that to 15%

75) Fungal/Bacterial/Viral There a four key numbers here on pg 85 Palladium eliminates viruses, Silver eliminates bacteria, RH-Hydro (Rhodium and hydrocodone) eliminates fungus and Cu -Copper and Gallium act as a catalyst. Mold can cause a problem in the right knee. If you're having a problem with your right knee for no reason their may be mold causing a problem with your pancreas. The pancreas kicks up a real fuss when there is mold. Aspergillosis (pg 75) can be found on grapes and sometimes in wine. Lloyd mentions that Mon Avie, the juice, had mold in it and was causing people problems. Stachybotrys (pg 78) is the black mold that you often see in bathrooms. Lloyd says that if you charge a bottle of water with this number and raise the potential you can dry up mold in bathrooms. I haven't tried it :) The West Nile Virus numbers on pg 81 works good and Bird Flu Star Anise (pg82) is a good number to have if you're going into an area with Bird Flu.

84) The Nano bacteria number is good to do every so often, nano bacteria can eat up oxygen in the blood. The SSKI-IOD number, which is a form of Iodine, is good for toenail fungus. You would charge the water and soak your foot in it.

86) Glands. The Stabilizer Hypothalamus # 98376778488 controls all of the other numbers of the hypothalamus. Everyone should do this number. The hypothalamus is subject to attack from Spirochetes. It throws off hypothalamus 21 (?) That number 9837677848 will bring in all the other numbers into balance and functioning normally. Generally, if you find the hypothalamus functioning normally you will find all the other glands functioning too.

89) Nadis
- the Nadis in conjunction with the chakra system provides protection from outside energies. It also controls all the conjugation pathways and detox pathways in the body. So if a person is toxic, you want to be sure that the Nadis is in place because it will open up all the natural pathways for detoxification. All the numbers below the Nadis number on page 89 are all good to have.

Also, in regards to the glands, Lloyd mentions if for example, your adrenals are sluggish you would just do the top number on pg 88. The first number will control all the numbers below it and bring them in. The Nadis and chakras help fend of energies that are attacking the body, they can be earth energies. Lloyd and Phyllis have a tree in their yard that gives off bad energy and Lloyd has to change it's energy pattern around. Nadis fends off that energy. There's a lot of new energies being developed so you want to keep the Nadis strong. When it weakens, all the detox capability of the body goes with it.

95) Heart and Circulation. The heart attack ID and the Stroke Potential ID, if a person is healthy they won't read these numbers in them. If you can read part of the number then it could mean that the problem is coming on. If you have part of one of these numbers, Lloyd would go to the Nitric oxide numbers on pg 100. Also the nitroglycerin number. Additional good numbers to do are,  (pg 97) Balance electrical impulse, Bananas Reduce, CRP stable, (pg 100) Normalize AV node, Normalize Cardiac Sinus Node, PLGF Inflammation, Sinoatrial Node Lloyd also says that anyone with heart trouble should be given (pg 99 top) Heart Virus and Heart Virus Clare numbers. You'll notice on pg 95, Death Energy ID. This number will come in from the right. You can tell just how serious a condition or person is, how close to death. Lloyd could measure it coming in when his elderly mom was dying and when his horse was poisoned by some moldy hay.

113) Miasms are traits handed down from generation to generation. These are just the negative ones. There are positive miasms too. The bad ones can make you more susceptible to disease.

116) Miscellaneous 5th dimension stabilizer # . Lloyd's theory is that a lot of folks with ADD and ADHD are stuck in the 6th dimension which is very unstable at this time. This 5th dimension stabilizer number will help bring them back in. Also 6th dimension elim number. Lloyd has given this number to school teachers and they've written the number on their blackboards. The kids see the number all day and it helps them stay focused. Lloyd says a lot of energy workers are in the 8th dimension which is also stable.

He breaks down the dimensions like this, 1st dimension is where we were about 80% percent animal and 20% humans. Think cavemen. 2nd dimension – 20% animal and 80% human. 5th dimension, where most of us are now, 20% light and 80% human, 8th dimension, 50-60% light and 40-50% human. 12th dimension, 80% light and 20% human.

121) Math Creation number. Folks that program computers usually have a strong amount of this number, Lloyd has it.

122) SOEFS-Tachion energy from the solar system. Tachion doesn't make it through the ozone layer , it comes in as SOEFS. SOEFS energy goes very high the day before and the day of a full moon. It can cause lots of problems. Some people get migraines. There's also a Tachion Elim number on pg 10

123) Multiple Sclerosis. There's a message coming out of the hypothalamus telling the immune system to attack the myelin sheath. We want to scramble this message with the Hypothalamus Message to Body Elim 68488167785. Lloyd then adds in the number for Stem Cell increase on pg 124 along with Silica Increase and Thallium Increase. Silica and Thallium help rebuild the myelin sheath. Lloyd finds quite a bit of MS but not usually the full blown type. He explains that all of a sudden a person will start hurting, maybe its an arm, a shoulder, a calf and nothing seems to help. He says you can bet that MS is the problem. These 4 numbers will get it stopped and get you healthy.

135) Spinal Flow, any part of the spine can be 'pinched' and energy stops. The spinal flow number 926947797 will generally activate the whole line of numbers, from C1 to L5. You don't normally have to do the whole line up, just the spinal flow number 7x. Sometimes you'll need to do the second spinal flow number 7476887563. Often the emotions will shut down the flow down the spinal column. In this case use the Emotion and Stress elim number on page 126 – 68574873847 and the Psoas Muscle release on pg 130- 87689787487 The Psoas is a storehouse for emotions, especially in women. It could be from childbirth, sexual abuse, or trauma.

139) Normal Body This is where in the original manual that Lloyd says they put the numbers that they didn't really have categories for at the time. pg141 Balance of body energy and balance of body storage. There are two important numbers here. Under Balance of body energy it's 97775678929 and under storage it's 2115374637393. Lloyd says that if both of these numbers had been not representing a position within the body then he would be looking for fibromyalgia. So if the person is missing these two numbers he has them first recite the first 4 numbers under energy 7x times. During this time he will measure the 977 coming in. When he can measure that number he has them move onto the next 4 numbers under storage and again, measures the 211 number coming.

140) Plastics, take all 4 numbers and tape to the side of a plastic bottle to neutralize that energy. Lloyd's theory is that these plastics are a large cause of Autism and weight gain. When Lloyd measures Autistic people their plastic or estrogen number is very high. More so than Thimerisol from vaccines.

144) Stop smoking numbers on pg 144 can be helpful for someone who wishes to quit.

146) Nutrition. This section pretty much speaks for itself. Lloyd gives the example here that you can use the Bananas number on pg 148 and by reading the number over and over you perhaps get the benefit of eating over a dozen bananas. He says you get nourishment out of the frequency, or it's energetic form.

155) Organ Support. Asthma numbers work well according to Lloyd on the top of pg 156. Lloyd says the Bladder Infection elim numbers on pg 156 work very well too. And if a person has a leakage problem, use the Strengthen Bladder Meridian number of pg 172. The Prolapsed Bladder number on pg 161 worked very well for his sister in law. She had had several operations for this. The number will help tighten things up down there. The Stomach Upset 'Carbon' number has worked well for an upset stomach on pg 172.  Lloyd has also found the lung numbers to be very effective, there's a lot of them on pg169. On pg 166, Bulging Disc number has been found to be effective. It works well for herniated discs. Ileocecal Valve Release, pg 167, is a good number to have.

173) Pain. The morphine number on pg 175 – nbr 164368336385 works well. You can attach the number to a bottle, activate your 108 frequency, hold the bottle in your right hand and read the number into the bottle 10x then take it up to a 200k potential. You can't recite the number enough times to kill the pain but you can raise the potential in water. If you're going to read the numbers over and over you'll probably only get it up to a 45k potential. You need to be up to 150k potential to kill pain. Once the water is Potentiated then hold the bottle against the area of pain, the bigger the bottle the better. Lloyd says the Vicodin number works well too at the bottom of pg 176. The Bio Shield number on pg 175. Lloyd had the bio shield and read this number off the energy of it. It works good for sciatic nerve problems. Use this number in water.

177) Parkinson's. Lloyd would like to add more numbers here but doesn't have enough clients that have this disease. Tremor number is somewhat effective.

181) PHI/H2. Lloyd's theory that PHI is a founding energy for everything on earth and H2 really accompanies PHI to create. PHI/H2-Lloyd believes the animal kingdom was created out of these two energies. When you see two numbers separated by a dash, Lloyd has the person say the first number and then he 'read's the 2nd number coming in. Most of the numbers in this category will be found elsewhere in the manual.

189) Skin. Lloyd says that many people who call him about a skin problems are actually detoxifying something through the skin. To treat the skin you want to check the detox capabilities. Shingles nbrs pg 190 work well.

194) Sleep. Hypothalamus stabilizer would be good for sleep. Also Pineal stabilizer nbr on pg 194 helps with the production of melatonin.

198) Spirochetes. This bacteria can be devastating. Lloyd has spirochete in his left wrist and left knee. It can play out in many different ways. Lloyd says it's perhaps a mutated form of syphilis. Under a microscope one little black spot makes a spirochete different from a syphilis bacteria. Spirochete can effect your balance, you may feel like you are tipping over to the right. Spirochetes can go into a cell and lay dormant for 2 months before it comes out and reproduces.

One of the most critical numbers that Lloyd has developed to prevent the spirochete from attacking the hypothalamus in the brain is on pg 200. Spirochete bacteria attacking hypothalamus prevent - 88534673478.. If there's been enough damage done in this area of the brain then you want to do this number plus the hypothalamus stem cell repair number on pg 61 - 7847685272476938 to rebuild the damage. What's interesting is this number, the 'spirochete bacteria attacking hypothalamus' is not an actual number in the body. What we're doing is putting in a foreign energy into that part of the body, into the hypothalamus so that the spirochete leaves. Lloyd's theory was based upon 'can we energize that part of the body so that the spirochete does not like that energy and gets out of there'. The spirochete doesn't necessarily leave the body but it does leave the hypothalamus. You have to do the number on a regular basis because it is not a natural frequency of the human body and it will keep disappearing.

203) Toxins and Parasites These are all good numbers to have.

205) Undesirable Minerals and Vapors
. Lloyd recommends doing all of these numbers every six months or so.  Lloyd finds that vapors on pg 208 makes the thyroid go crazy.

217) Weight Loss. Lloyd says this is an ongoing effort and quite difficult to treat.


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are for educational purposes only. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Copyright 2021