Energy Balancing by Numbers Index 2014 Edition


Generously created and contributed by Sue Vosey, this Index is a great addition to the Balancing by Numbers Manual.

Descriptor Page Number

Abandonment - fear 72

Abdomen, various 155

Abdominal cramps 47

Abdominus Rectus muscle 125

Absorption 47

Abundance financial 71

Abundance knowledge 71

Acetylation conjugation pathway elim 203

Acetylcholine in brain 20, 177

Achilles release 120, 131

Acne elim - from nightshades, dairy, gluten 45, 84, 153, 189, 192

AD 31 virus (adenovirus) promotes fat cell development 217

Adrenals+ Update under Endocrine system 61, 71, 88

Age - anti main page 4

Ailments 139

Air passage inflammation , restriction elim 155, 165

Alcoholic ID number 70

Alkalinity 31

Allergic reaction elim 116, 120

Allergies + Update under Misc. Nbrs 75, 81, 132

Allergy to sun 116

Almonds 65

Alpha Lipoic Acid 216

Alpha Synuclein reduce 178

ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) main page +(Update) 1

Alzheimer's main page etc 2, 3, 148

Amino acids improve uptake 147, 181

Amoxicillin 81

Amygdala 93

Amyloid toxic elim 123, 139, 217, 227

Anger release 60

Animals communicate with 180

Ankle 125, 131

Ankylosing spondylosis elim 128

Anthocyanins increase 177

Anthrax in Update under Misc Numbers

Anti-Age 4, 192

Antibiotic 75

Anti-body elim 155

Anti depressant, in body cells healing in Update under Emotions most used

Antigen 75

Anti-virus 75

Anus relax, discharge, foreign growth 47, 155, 165

Anxiety 57

Appendix+ Update under Organ Support 44, 47, 155, 165, 198

Appetite reduce 146, 217

Arm + Update Muscles/bones 125, 131, 156

Arteries open + Update under Nutrition 146, 182, 227

Arthritis main page + (Update) 5, 181

Artist, painter 71

Aspartame 217

Aspartate (tain) 89

Aspergillosis - mold 75

Asthma elim + Update under Organ Support 156

Ataxia elim + Updates under Organ Support & Nervous System 123

Athlete's foot 75

Athletic leader 71

Atmospheric low pressure causing headaches 122

ATP increase 65, 141, 223

Aura clear 196

Autism 20, 69, 183

Auto-Immune main page 7

Ayahausca addiction in Update under Nutrition

Babesia ID (malaria like) 198, 199

Back 125, 126, 129

Bacteria general protection 83

Bacteria + Update under Fungal 75, 181, 198

Bad Breath + Update under Digestion 46

Bad home energy 116

Balance 139

Balance of Body energy, storage etc 141

Balance Vitamins, minerals and nutrition 47, 48

Bartholin's cyst in vaginal wall 184

Bartinella elim 198

Basal Ganglia 178

Bed sores 173

Bed wetting elim 116, 132

Bees abnormality that is negatively affecting bees Update under Misc Nbrs

Bee sting 118

Bell's Palsy elim+ Update under Misc Nbrs 116, 120, 132

Bicep muscle 125

Bile - stone 156, 165, 170

Biophoton retention Update under Misc Nbrs

Bipolar 153

Bird flu + Update under Fungal 82

Black plague 82

Blackcurrant 31

Bladder infection- various + Update under Organ Support 84, 156, 157, 159, 165, 172

Bladder prolapsed elim 161

Bloating and gas 44, 45

Blood and vessels main page + Update 8, 228

Blood circulation 183

Blood clotting reduce 14

Blood pressure, sugar, red/ white blood cells 11, 14, 182

Blood sugar 66, 218, 226, 235

Blood viscosity (thickness) 227, 8, 15

Body discomfort from 4am to 8am elim 139

Body salts, Natural sugars & Solar Energies main page 16

Body various + Update under Normal Body 139, 140, 143

Boils Update under Skin

Bone marrow, also stop from dying 9, 14, 165

Bone spur elim 117, 118

Bones + Update under Muscles & Bones 4, 126, 131

Borrelia bacteria elim 198, 199

Botulism - food poisoning 82

Bowel + Update under Organ Support 44, 47, 50

BPA in plastic elim -see also phthalates & plastic same page 140

Brain main page + Update 18, 20, 71, 148, 182

Brain energy - kiwi fruit 3336384244474332

Breast implant elim negative material 118

Breast swelling, tenderness, pain + Update under Reproductive 184, 185

Breathing congest, restriction etc + Update under Organ 156, 165

Bronchial 75, 82, 156, 157, 165, 166

Bronchiectasis varicose elim Update under Organ Support

Bronchitis 75

Bruising reduce 14

Bug repel 120

Bulging disc elim 117, 126

Bunion elim 117

Burping 44, 204

Business man 71

Buying a new home and finding one and selling one 121

Calcium 12, 25, 209, 227

Cannabis contents Update under Nutrition

Cancer main page + Update 26, 27, 28, 29, 79, 146, 148, 149, 181

Cancer 150 millivolts -control Update under Misc. Nbrs

Candida and yeast main page + Update 35, 36

Canker sores 173

Carbon Dioxide elim 117

Carbon monoxide 208

Carbs reaction to 147, 218

Cardiomyopathy 227, 96

Cardiovascular 12

Care giver 120

Cartilage 126, 131, 132, 141

Cashews anti viral 82

Castor Oil patch 153

Cataracts 210

Cats + Update under Pets, cats etc 179, 180

Cats Claw in Update under Nutrition

Cavitation - teeth 201

Cayenne pepper + Update under Nutrition 48

Cells correct spin in Update under Normal Body

Cellulite 189, 217

Cerebellum 178

Chakra, open throat, various + Update under Spiritual Healer 196, 197

Chakras protection from NADIS 89

Chatter 71

Chelate arteries 12, 148

Chemical 117, 120, 181

Chemical addiction ID number 70

Chemo 34, 208

Chem trails affecting health Update under Misc Nbrs

Chest pain, swelling, nerve pain + Update under Organ Supp 157

Chi raise 196

Chia seed 12, 48, 66, 90, 91, 97, 103, 104, 141, 148, 186

Chiari Angioma elim 189

Chicken - adjust for body to benefit 123

Chicken virus 75

Chiggers repel (tropical flea) 204

Chloride channels 89

Chlorine elim 117

Chocolate craving 218

Cholera 75

Cholesterol elim+ Update under blood & vessels 8, 9, 12, 103, 181, 228

Chromosomes 37, 104, 181, 182, 183, 218

Chronic fatigue 64

Circadian rhythm Update under Normal Body

Clarity of self direction 71

Claustrophobia 71, 182

Clavicle normalize Update under Muscles & Bones

Clostridium Difficile (c diff) 82

Co2 normalize and regulate 6872747578797278

Coccyx energize 132

Coconuts - fats & reaction to in Update in Nutrition 12

Coffee various uses 71, 117, 146, 175

Cold & flu shot med 82

Cold elim 157

Cold sores 173

Colitis 157

Collagen and elastin 53, 98, 192

Colon + Update under Digestion 44, 48, 166

Comfrey healing herb 82

Compassion 196

Compulsive eater 71

Conception allow female body 182, 185

Concussion head 132

Confidence 57, 69

Confident of prosperity 71

Confusion and dizziness elim + Update under congestive heart 18, 19

Congestive Heart main page + Update 39

Connection between phys body & non phys body 57

Conscious stable (helps get out of stroke) 71

Constipation 44, 48, 69, 148, 171

Constipation body solid elim number 38433937424

Contrives the truth 71

COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) 98, 157

Copper CU+ Update under Normal Body 82, 85

Copper high 52

Corn - elim reaction to it 146

Correct cholesterol 12, 13, 104

Correct IIIB in LDL 12

Cortisol various + Update under Arthritis & Endocrine system 13, 151, 217

Cortisone M & F. 188

Cough elim + Update under Organ Support 157, 158, 166

Courage 59

Cracked skin 189

Cramping, leg, body 181

Cranberries 67883757738

Cranial nerve system energize Update under Nervous System

Cranial sacral balance 196

Creativity 71

Creature energy 66

Crohn's disease 48, 77

Cruciferous veg - flush out toxins, cancer stomach, leukemia 149

CT scan stored energy elim 117

Cushings 6, 52

Cuticle splitting 189

Cystic fibrosis + Update under Misc. Nos 117

Cysts elim 117, 189

Cytochrome normalize 182

Cytokines - kidney 167

Dark chocolate (Dove) anti oxidant . 13

Dark energy protect from 196

Death energy ID No 95

Deep vein thrombosis . 98

Deltoid muscle 125

Dementia main page 2, 3

Depression + Update under Emotions must used 57, 58, 70

Detox formula 120, 203, 204

DHA normalize, balance 141

Diabetes main page+ Update 40, 41, 42, 43, 148, 171, 181, 226

Diaphragm muscle normalize + Update under Muscles/Bones 132, 166

Diarrhea + Update 44

Digestion main page + Update 4, 44-51, 71, 148, 182, 223

Dimensions 5th, 6th, 12th etc 116

Dioxins 181, 203

Disc bulging 166

Disorientation 127

Dizziness elim 18, 19, 22, 127

Dogs + Update under Pets, cats, dogs 179, 180,

Dopamine-increase, decrease - coffee stop cell die off . 20, 22, 177, 178

Dowsing improve + Update under Spiritual Healers 196

Drug addict ID number. 70

Dry mouth elim Update under Organ Support

Duodenum valve 166

Dyslexic 71

Dystonia elim 177

Ears, hearing, crystals, fluid, balance, tinnitus 92, 93, 94, 132

Earth energies adjusting 65, 222

Earth undesirable energies 142

Eating cold things causing head pain 127

Ebola natural protection + Update under Fungal, Viral 82

E-boli 76

E-coli 76

Eczema 181, 189

Ego reduce 58

Ehrlichiosis elim (tic born) 198

Elastin and collagen 53, 192

Elbow 126

Electrical anomaly- emotions kids 58

Electrical disturbance, short circuit, anomaly 117, 142

Electrical system normalize + Update under Misc Nbrs 67

Eliminate toxins from liver 6

Embalming fluid elim 117

EMF elim 117, 120

Emotional anxiety , + confutation 71

Emotional detachment from person 58

Emotional energy builder 66

Emotions & fears most used + Update 55, 58

Emotion & stress release from back, neck, shoulders 126

Emphysema 158

Endocrine system main page + Update 61

( adrenal, hypothalamus, pineal, thymus, thyroid)

Endometriosis 184

Energy and stamina main page+ Update 64, 65, 66, 71

Energy boost 71

Energy disturbance 175

Energy flow - correct 66, 121, 135

Energy stabilizer 58

English grammar, literature 120

Entity energy elim 55

Entrepreneur successful Update under Misc. Nbrs

Environmental energy elim 118

Enzyme energize 49, 69, 182

Enzyme function 69

Epiglottis 166

Epileptic 22

Epstein Barr virus. 64

Erectile dysfunction elim 182, 186, 187

Erythromelalgia (pain in hands/feet) 173

Esophagus + Update under Organ Support 179

Estrogen in plastic elim 217

Estrogen + Update under Reproductive 184

EWOT release oxygen to cells (Exercise with oxygen therapy) 119

Expectorant 120

Extend life 34

Extend life 98

Extra terrestrial elim 118

Eyes various + Update under Vision 210, 211-215

Eyesight - enzyme normalize . 69

Face - activate energy flow 166

Face - skin etc 189

Fainting - vagus nerve reaction Update under Blood & Vessels

Faith & courage 59

Fallopian tube normalize 184

Fascia release - membrane connecting skin to muscles 132

Fat cells - neurotoxins release 204

Fat digesting enzyme - digestion 49

Fat various 217

Fatigue elim 147

Fatigue 64, 65

Fear and emotions 56

Fears + Update under Emotions must used & Frequencies 70, 72

Feel well 143

Feet various 126, 173

Feet cold Update under Muscles/Bones

Ferrum phosphate 89

Fertility 185

Fibrillation elim 96

Fibrin 9, 13

Fibroids uterus elim 118, 132, 158, 184

Fibromyalgia + Update under Pain 173, 223

Final stage 98

Financial success - achieve 71, 121

Fingers 126

First light ray 120

Flax seed oil regulate intestinal function 49

Flesh healing 192

Florescent light bulb elim 117

Flu elim + Update under Fungal 76, 83, 132

Fluid retained in body + Update under Misc Nos/Organ Sup 156, 158, 192, 218

Fluid retention in legs and feet 120, 182

Fluoride + Update under Misc Nos & Weight Management 208

Fly repellent 120

Folate + Update under Vitamins 216

Folic acid 216

Food poisoning 45, 146

Foot cramps elim 117

Frankincense 149

Free radicals - defend against 48

Frequencies from Promethium 8, 14, 20, 23, 28, 38, 177 pg 70 (#177 Lloyd did not develop a number for it)

Frequency 108 see back of manual for instructions pg 236

Frequency Bio Shield 175

Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) healing frequency 72

Freshwater algae 149

Fundamental control frequencies 89

Fungal, viral and bacterial main page + Update 75, 76, 83, 181

Fungus, general protection 83

Gallbladder+ Update under Organ Support 49, 158, 166, 182

Gallium GA 85

Gallstones 148, 181

Gambling 72

Gamma Update under Misc. Nbrs

Ganglion elim 158, 199

Garlic lower cholesterol 13, 149

Gas furnace elim 117

Gas stomach elim 181

Gene restricting body intake of nutrients elim 146, 182

Genetic mechanism 143, 182

Genome activity 182

Ghrelin 217, 218, 220

Giardia elim 203

Ginger assimilation of vit/mins 49, 149

Gingivitis elim 201

Ginseng 149

GLA-Linoleic Acid-eczema 189

Glands 86, 87

Glaucoma + Update under Vision 211

Glomerulus in kidney 170

Glucosamine & Chondroitin 149

Glucuronidation 181

Glutamage - glutamine 183

Glutathione 149, 182

Gluteus Maximus muscle 125

Gluten allergic reaction elim 146, 181

Glyphosate neutralize from Roundup Update under Misc. Nbrs

GMO grains 117

GMO 45

Goji berries for energy 67

Good Luck number 59

Gout elim, purines affecting body 5, 126, 161, 173

Grape seed oil 150

Gratitude 59

Grid lines reconnect 144

Groin 126, 128

Grounding 59

Guillain-Barre syndrome elim 123

H5N8 Bird flu number 6857596246584759

Hair grow 4, 79

Hair, loss, scalp, grow, pulling out + Update 90, 91

Hand, foot & mouth disease Enterovirus Update under Skin

Hands, puffy, stiffness , swelling, pain 119, 126, 127, 132, 133, 173

Happy 72

Hard water elim 118

Harmony in a working group 59

Hashimoto elim 7, 52

Hata virus-prion 77

Hate 72

Hawthorn Berry 149

Hazel nuts good for memory 149

HCL normalize 49

Head ache/pain various + Update under Muscles/Bones 127, 173, 174, 175

Healer 72

Healing elim cause of preventing 70

Healing energy etc + Update under Normal Body 143, 182, 196

Healing Copper CU Update under Normal Body

Health normal + Update under Normal Body 143

Hearing main page+ Update. 92, 143, 153

Heart and Circulation main page + Update 95, 166

Heart attack ID Nbr. 95, 100

Heart attack stop 226

Heartburn Update under Digestion

Heart congestive 39, 227, 96, 39

Heart core level 142

Heart worm 203

Heavy metal detox- zeolite 153, 181

Heel or bone spur elim 117

Height Pituitary malfunction 120

Height + Update under Misc. Nbrs 122

Hemoglobin 167

Hemorrhaging elim + Update under Organ Support 159

Hemorrhoids elim + Update under Blood & Vessels 9, 13, 69, 84, 96, 167

Hemp seed energy 149

Heparin 13

Hepatitis main page+ Update 101

Herpes main page+ Update 102

HGH normalize 143

Hiatal hernia - various 159, 167

Hiccups elim 159

High blood pressure main page+ Update 103, 228

Higher state of consciousness 72, 73

Hip + Update under Muscles/Bones 128, 132

Hippocampus energizer 22

Hippocampus 93

Hips dysplasia elim 118

Histamine normalize.Update under Organ Support

Histidine increase 99, 143

HIV 106

Hives + Update under Skin 189

Homeostasis + Update under Normal Body 143

Homocysteine elim 96

Honey for energy 67

Hopelessness 73

Hormones main page+ Update 107, 108, 183, 199

Horse - pigeon fever 84

Horse energy elim + Update under Pets, cats, horses 69, 180

Hot flushes /flashes elim and night sweats+ Update - Reproductive 56, 62, 148, 183, 184, 185

H-Pylori bacteria + Update under Digestion 45, 77

Human Assemblage Point Increase 22, 143, 223

Huntington's disease 19, 52

Hydration 143

Hydrogen peroxide 149, 198

Hypochondria 73

Hypoglycemia 13

Hypothalamus + Update under Endocrine system 86, 104, 116, 123, 123, 178, 199, 218, 225

Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal increase 22, 32, 61, 62

I am a beautiful person 59

I am happy with myself 59

IGA Secretory Update under Organ Support

Ileocecal valve + Update under Digestion 45, 50, 167

Ill health elim 118

Immune stop from attacking myelin sheath 124

Immune system - emotions 58, 66

Immune system boost 83

Immune system main page 109

Immune system + Update in Immune & Nutrition 32, 73, 99, 104, 106, 123, 182

Immunoglobulin-activate IGA 13

Impatient 73

Improve learning ability 59

Impulsive 73

Increase energy 59

Indigestion 45

Infant body development reactivate 144

Infection main page 111

Inflammation + Update under Arthritis & Inflammation 5, 6, 148

Instability 14

Insulin lower or raise for weight control. 219

Insulin 40, 41, 42, 167

Integrity. Update under Misc Nbrs

Interferons 143

Intestine. 45, 46

Intuition. 73, 196

Intuitive 73

Iodine increase 150, 216

Ion channel function 89

Iron 52 elim from brain 19, 209

Iron Ferrous Update under Vitamins

Irritable bowel 45

Itch after eating - digestion 45

Itching various 189, 190

Jaw clenching during sleep 194

Jaw regrow bone 201

Jaw . 128, 132

Jejunum (part of the small intestine between duodenum & Ileum) 199

Jesus 73

Jet lag 144

Job - help to get desired job . Update under Misc. Nbrs

John's disease 77

Joint pain in morning 174

Joints 128, 132, 146, 176

Joy 73

Judgmental 73

Kaon energy reduce 67

Kaons - sun energy for pain relief 56364857365

Kefir - anti age, energy, male erection 149

Keratinous cyst 189

Kidney+ Update under Organ Support 142, 167, 168, 171

Kidney stones 148, 159, 181

Knee tendon adjustment 69

Knees locking elim 118

Knees + Update under Muscles/Bones 128, 129, 132, 134

Knotweed 199

Knowledge - abundance 71

Kundalini 196

Lactic acid elim 118

Lactose elim 46

Languages multi 121

Large intestine 168

Larynx 168

Last effort 34

Lattice energy 143

Lay lines 143

LDL 147

Leaky gut 50, 121

Learn - ability + Update under miscellaneous numbers 71, 182

Lecithin 150

Leg and foot cramps 118

Legionnaires 81

Legs reduce swelling + Update under Muscles/Bones 121

Legs restless 129

Legs 129, 132, 133

Lemon Balm uses . 150

Leprosy 118

Leptin disruption + Update under Weight Management 218, 219, 220

Libido increase 184

Lichen Sclerosis Chronicus elim 7, 189

Life boost 67, 182

Ligament healing, repair 133

Lipids 10

Lips chapped, swollen, burning 189

Listeria bacterial Update under Fungal, Viral & Bacterial

Liver - left knee. 69

Liver core level+ Update under Organ Support 142, 167, 168

Liver enzyme increase 6, 69, 159, 182

Locomotor parasite elim 203, 204

Lorazepam product . Update under Misc Nbrs

Love at highest level 59

Low energy 65

Lower back pain 69

Lung congestion and various + Update under Organ Support 4, 159, 160, 161, 168, 169, 170

Lupus elim 7, 52

Lyme disease main page 198

Lyme .+ Update - Fungal, Viral182, 198, 199

Lymph 62, 170, 182

Lymphocytes 9, 33

Maca 150, 151

Macadamia nut oil - aides weight loss 151

Macular degeneration + Update under Vision 149, 183, 211-215

Macular wet degeneration 210

Magnesium.+ Update under Nutrition 199

Malaria 9, 77

Male erection 150

Male identity 121

Male/female relationship normalize 121

Mangosteen - boost immunity 151

Marfans syndrome 118

Master frequency to maintain designed body balance 143

Math functionary 73

Maths 121

Medical doctor 121

Medium 73

Medulla oblongata - control of body temp 62, 143

Melatonin increase 194

Memory main page (112)+ Update 4, 68, 112, 143, 149

Meningitis Update under Misc. Nbrs.

Meningococcus elim. Update under Fungal

Menopause 132

Menstrual normal flow, pain, cycle 183, 184, 185, 186

Mental confusion/headache 128

Mercury removal 120

Metabolism 143, 219, 223

Methadone med (reverse to ID) 175

Methylation conjugation pathway elim 203

Miasm elim 5, 42, 113

Micron water to Nano 121

Microwave - EMF 120

Migraines+ Update under Pain 127, 128, 132, 148, 149, 174, 175

Milk - convert A1 bad American milk to A2 milk 147

Mineral - non beneficial elim 103

Mineral Energy Frequencies 114, 115

Minerals and vapors main page 205-209

Miscellaneous Numbers, 108 freq, dimensions main page 116+ Update

Mitochondria 13, 121

MMS 143

Mole 190

Money, ability to earn 71

Moon energy 67

Morning Sickness Update under Misc. Nbrs

Morgellons 199

Morphea elim - antibody 190

Morphine - hydro 175

Mosquito repel . Update under Misc. Nbrs

Mother Mary 73

Mother Teresa 73

Motion sickness elim 140

Motor Neuron function 89

Mould/mold + Update under Fungal 75, 77, 78, 83, 84, 85, 181, 198, 200

Mouth + Update under Organ support 46, 50, 129

Mouth blisters Update under digestion

MRSA 77, 79, 84

MS Multiple Sclerosis main page+ Update for MS 123, 198

MSG elim reaction to 146, 209

MTHFR gene MS, fatigue, depression, pain, brain fog Update under Misc. Nbrs

Mucosis coli elim 201

Mucus breakdown 150

Mullein tea long term lung support Update under nutrition

Muscle building 4, 67, 131, 133

Muscle spasm . 129, 130, 132

Muscles and bones main page 125-134

+ Update covering rib, ankle, arm, back, calf, finger, foot, gums, head, hip, joint, knee, leg, neck, shoulder, tendon, wrist, muscles various,

Music 73

Myasthenia Gravis - muscle weakness 130

Mycoplasma 77, 84

Myelin sheath elim cause of immune system attacking 109

Mystic 73

NADIS normalize - female, male 89, 182, 222

Nail biting elim 56, 118, 121

Nails brittle 118

Nanobactor 77

Narcolepsy 194

Nasal congestion elim + Update under Organ Support 161

Natural cellular defense 84

Natural sugars 16

Nature connect to 196

Neck Stenson gland/parotid 133

Neck + Update under Muscles/Bones 130, 133, 170, 173

Negative earth energy 65

Negative electrons to body increase 29627988997

Negative emotional energy 59, 67

Negative energies release 59, 68

Nematode rash elim 190

Nephron - renal . 170

Nerves 67, 138, 174

Nervous system, Energy & Spinal flow main page + Update 135-138

Neuralgia elim 137, 174

Neuropathy (bacterial antibody in brain) elim 174

Neurotoxins 203

Neurotransmitters 89

Neutral energy elim 5

Nickel 209

Nicotine 219

Night sweats 184

Night vision improve 214

Nitrogen, absorbing when breathing 217

Norapinephrine 20, 23, 218

Normal body main page 139

Nose 170

Nuclear fallout-body protection from 121, 122

Nucleus Ruber (brain) 23, 224

Neutral/positive energy to negative energy 67

Nutrition and energetic pathways 89

Nutrition main page + Update 146, 147, 151, 152

Nutritional absorption 50

Obliques muscle 125

Omega XL for pain etc . Update under Nutrition

Oral lichen planus elim 201

Organ support main page 155, 171

Organic energy elim 65

Organizer effective Update under Misc. Nbrs

Osteoarthritis elim 5, 146

Osteomyelitis (bone infection) 130

Osteoporosis 4, 118

Otosclerosis 93

Ovarian cyst 84, 132, 184

Ovaries+ Update under Reproductive 186

Oxidation protection 183

Oxygen 67, 121, 143, 171, 182

Oxygen increase in cell tissue 9698899296998796

Pain - caused from an emotion 58

Pain ease - bromelain 153

Pain main page + Update under Pain 173, 174, 175, 176

Paint smell elim 118

Palladium eliminates virus 67, 78, 85

Pancreas control 43, 46, 50, 161, 171, 183

Panic attack elim 56, 59

Papilloma virus elim 29

Paradophilus (anti-bacteria, fungus) 183

Paranoia elim 56

Parasites 120, 198, 203

Parasympathetic nervous system 62, 144

Parathyroid 62, 89, 199

Parkinson's + Update 123, 177, 178

Parotid gland 50, 133, 204

Parsnips anti stroke/heart disease, hearing, colon cancer etc Update under Nutrition

Pathogen 78

Peas for high energy 66, 67

Pecans for energy 67

Pedophile ID number 70

Penicillin infections 175

Penis abnormality 186

Performer-acting 73

Periodontal disease elim number 49435759486

Periodontitis Update under Teeth

Peristalsis 5849584852485558

Personal attraction to others increase 59

Pets, cats, dogs and horses 179, 180+ Update

Peyers patches (Immune function) 183

PH1/H2 (Hydrogen 2) main page 181-183

Phase shift stabilizer 144

Phlegm 149, 161

Phthalates in plastic elim + BPA same page 140

Physical abuse elim + Update under Emotions must used 56

Physical energy increase 182

Phytoplankton for energy 67, 78, 176

Pia mater (membrane covering brain/spinal cord Update under Nervous System

Picking fingernails 73

Pineal 61, 62, 86, 87, 105, 177, 194, 197, 199, 225

Pituitary + Update under Endocrine system 62, 87, 178, 200, 225

Placental hormone 200

Planters fasciitis elim 130

Plants & trees send energy to -see back of manual 236

Plaque - heart elim 153

Plasmodium elim 203

Plastic estrogen elim 140

Platelets from sticking 14

Platelets increase 13

Pleurisy 84

PMS 132, 176, 184

Pneumonia+ Update under Fungal 76, 78, 84

Poison oak 118, 190

Polio 119, 122

Pollen elim 119

Polonium 68 elim 29, 33

Poly Cystic ovarian syndrome 29, 184

Polymyalgia elim 119

Polymyositis-muscle disabling elim 7

Polyphenolics increase 178

Porphyria Update under Misc. Nbrs

Positive outlook 59

Potassium (SSKI - saturated solution potassium iodide) 84

Prednisone - med-inflammation 6

Pregnenolone (memory) hormone increase 108

Prions 78

Procrastinator non Update under Misc. Nbrs

Progesterone increase 108

Progesterone 62, 185

Prolapsed uterus 184

Prosperity - confident of 71

Prostate + Update under Reproductive 33, 69, 132, 183, 187

Protection - various 67, 68

Protein increase 4, 50, 68

Psoas muscle 56, 59, 125, 130, 132

Psoriasis 182, 190

Psychic 73

Public speaking improve 59

Pumpkins, oil etc 153

Purines - gout 161, 171

Pylori 83

Pyloric gland normalize 105

Pyorrhea gum disease 201

Rabl increase 178

Rash elim 127, 190

Raspberry ketones - weight reduction 220

Raynaud's syndrome + Update under Blood & Vessels 7, 9

Reading normalize tracking line - Brain Update

Receptor function 89

Rectal bleeding elim 161

Red blood cells - produce more 14

Red wine tolerance 122

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome (RSD) 84

Rejection 56

Relax 59, 194, 195

Renin increase 105

Reproduction male and female main page + Update 184-188

Rescue formula 84

Respiratory lower procedure 121

Respiratory syncytical virus (RSV) 84

Respiratory various + Update under Organ Support 78, 161, 162, 163, 164, 171, 172

Restless leg elim 119

Rhodium eliminates fungus 85

Ribs + Update under muscles 130

Ridges energy ID 116

Ring worm 78, 190

Rise to the occasion 59

RNA 144

Romaine lettuce - artery cleanse Update under Nutrition

Rosacea 190

Rotigotine - Parkinson's 178

Round up & Raid elim Update under Misc. Nos

Royal jelly energy 68

Rubber & chemical elim reaction Update under Misc. Nbrs

Sacred geometry energy 183

Salivary gland 50, 171

Salmonella 78

Scabies 190

Scalp irritation 190

Scar tissue allow energy through 65, 181

Schumann resonance Update under Misc. Nbrs

Sciatica 132, 176

Science 73

Scleroderma 190

Scoliosis 38

Scoliosis-Chromosome 14 replace 122

Scrotum rash 186

Seborrheic Keratosis-skin brown spots elim 190

Seizures + Update under Blood & Vessels 19

Self confidence 60, 73

Sense of direction 73

Sepsis elim 117

Serotonin 20, 24, , 143, 144, 195

Seventh dimension elim 119

Sex desire and perform 68, 186, 187, 188

Shame 57

Shingles 78, 84, 146, 181, 190

Shock elim 97

Shoulder + Update under Muscles/Bones 130, 133, 200

Sickle cell 9

Sigmoid colon 50

Silica 10 increase 124

Silver eliminates bacteria 78, 85

Singer 73, 122

Sinus infection elim + Update under Organ Support 159, 162, 171, 174

Sjogren's disease elim 119

Skin - stop loss of black pigment 192

Skin breakout various + Update under muscles/bones 190, 192

Skin main page + Update 189

Skin tag, toxicity, boils, cracks, dry, welts, itch, rash etc 191, 204

Skin tissue excess elim 181

Sleep apnea 194

Sleep main page + Update 194-195

Small Intestine & large inflammation + Update under Organ 159, 171

Smell unable to 119, 171

Smells, fumes, pollens, chemicals - normalize reaction 182

Smoker ID number 70

Smoking stop or tolerate 122, 144, 145

Sneddon Wilkinson's rash 192

Sneezing elim + Update under Organ Support 162

Snoring - stop 195

Sodium 26 elim + Update under Normal Body 217

SOEF - cancer, head, below knee 122

SOEF prevention buildup 122

SOEFS elim (Subtle Organizing Energy Field) 10, 30, 122, 174

Solar energies 16

Sore on open leg 132

Sore throat + Update under Nutrition 162, 163

SORL-1 brain disorder 24

SORTI elim 30, 219

Soul 68

Sound frequency identify 196

Speaking improve ability 122

Special energy 68

Speech normalize Update under Misc Nbrs

Spelling Update under Misc Nbrs

Sperm - produce healthy 183, 187, 188

Sphenoid bone re-centering 132

Spin state increase + Update under Normal Body 121

Spinal flow + Update under Nervous System 135, 144, 183

Spine activate energy flow 65, 140, 223

Spine normalize function 88, 133

Spirit 68

Spiritual Healing and Healers main page + Update 196

Spirochete and Lyme Disease main page (bacteria) 198

Spirochete 123, 176, 199, 200

Spleen malfunction elim + Update under Organ Support 162, 171

Splenda elim 119

Spondylosis disorder 125

Stabilize 5th dimension 73

Stachybotrys mold 78

Stamina increase 67

Staph elim 79

State of health - allow to rise to 10/10 144

Statinsee Update under Blood & Vessels

Stem cell heal 123, 124, 144, 183

Stem cell increase 6, 134

Stensen gland in neck 171

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome - skin disease 192

Stinging in legs. 122

Stomach + Update under Digestion /Organ Support. 46, 50, 162, 171, 172

Streptococcus 84, 85

Stress release from back, neck and shoulders 126

Stress 57, 60

Stroke -secretoneurin boost brain cell survival 100

Stroke potential ID Nbr 95

Stroke + Update under Nutrition 23, 100

Stroke stop 226, 71

Sty on left eye lid - lower 210

Subconscious elim past memory 181

Success - improve in creative world Update under Misc. Nbrs

Sugar craving reduce 14

Sugar elim negative response to 147

Sugar energy - reduce body demand 122, 219

Sulfation conjugation pathway elim 203

Sun reaction to it 119

Surfactant 172

Swallowing+ Update under Nervous system 122, 178

Sweating excessive Update under Skin

Swine flu elim 79

Sympathetic nervous system 62, 144

Synovial cyst elim 158

Syphilis 79

T Cell function normalize 172

T3 activation 62

T4 decrease and increase 63

Tachyon energy elim 10, 181

Tailbone area elim discomfort + Update under Muscles/Bones 131

Talks to ghost 73

Talks to plants 73

Tape worm-beef elim 204

Taste bud elim & activate in Update under Organ Support 47

T-Cell count increase 106

Teeth main page + Update 201, 202

Teeth regrow 202

Telomere-chromosome regrowth, lengthen etc

+ Update under Normal Body 38, 144, 145

Temperature normalize - cold feet Update under Normal Body

Tendon Update under muscles/bones

Testicle enlarged, function, etc 186, 188

Testosterone for females 186

Testosterone increase and lower + Update under Reproductive 63, 108, 188

Tetracycline-med-antibiotic 122

TH 51

Thieves oil - anti bacteria 153

Thigh muscle 125

Thimerosal used in inoculations elim 19

Think positive 60

Thioctic detox 204

Third eye chakra . 197

Thirst elim Update under Organ Support

Throat - various + Update under Organ Support 162, 163, 172

Thrush 201

Thumbs - pain elim + Update under Muscles/Bones 131

Thymus 61, 63, 88, 200

Thyroid elim cause of inflamm (Riedel's) + others 7, 61, 62, 63, 167, 200

Thyroid, cortisol, + Update under Endocrine system

Tickling elim Update under Misc. Nbrs

Tightness inner body elim . 131

Tinnitus+ Update under Hearing 94

Tissue death necrosis . 14, 172, 200

TMJ jaw+ Update under Muscles/Bones 128, 132

Tobacco chewing ID number 70

Toe cyst 158

Toe fungus 84, 119

Toe to brain contact Update under Muscles/Bones

Toilet - reluctant to use Update under Misc. Nbrs

Tongue biting elim 131

Tonsillitis elim - various + Update under Organ Support 161, 163, 172

Total nutrient PHI 51

Toxicity decrease - also missing number allows toxicity 69, 204

Toxins and parasites main page + Update 203, 204

Toxoplasmosis gondii + Update under Fungal 204

Transforming Growth Factor (TGF Beta Function) 89

Transverse Abdominus muscle 125

Transverse colon 172

Trapezius muscle 125

Trauma - emotional 58

Trauma recovery 60

Trees and plants master protection 8273748486838689

Trees & plants send energy to- see back of manual 236

Tremors + Update under Parkinson's 19, 24, 177, 178

Tricep muscle 125

Trichinella spiralis elim 204

Trichitillomania pulling hair out 52

Trichuris trichiura elim 204

Trigeminal Neuralgia neck/face/mouth pain on nerves Update - Nervous System

Trigger point elim 119

Triglycerides 181

Tumors 181

Typhoid fever Update - Fungal

Urethra - various 164

Uric Acid elim + Update under Organ Support 119, 164, 172

Urinary tract bacteria - various + Update under Organ Support 81, 153, 164, 165, 172

Urination - burning 157

Urination ID frequent & elim 155, 176

Urine control valve normalize (leakage)Update under Organ Support

Uterine symptoms, cysts + Update under Reproductive . 132, 181

Uterus prolapse, normalize 184, 186

Vaginal irritation, infection, warts, lubrication

+ Update under Reproductive 165, 184, 185, 186

Vagus nerve indicating hunger reverse response 219

Vagus nerve stabilize 51

Vapor elim 119, 208, 209

Varicose Veins elim 10

Vein-Vagus elim restriction 10

Venus flytrap for cancer, chronic fatigue, Lyme 122

Vertebra normalize Update under muscles/bones

Vertigo + Update under Brain 19, 24

Vestibulocochlear nerve - 8th cranial nerve Update - hearing

Vibration elim 123

Villa rejuvenate in gut 50

Virus .+ Update - Fungal, Viral 78, 85, 127, 131, 181, 198

Virus general protection 83

Vision main page 210

Vision + Update under Vision143, 148, 153, 183

Visionary (108) 73

Visual Cortex energy 24

Vitamin A 216

Vitamin B1 216

Vitamin B3 154

Vitamin B6 216

Vitamin balance 47, 48

Vitamin C 152, 216

Vitamin C balancing 6

Vitamin D - eliminates diabetes, HBP, cancer 154

Vitamin D 43, 105, 216

Vitamin D3 + Update under Vitamins 34, 216

Vitamin E blood thinner 15, 215

Vitamins main page 216 + Update - Vitamins

Vitiligo 192

Vitamin B12 - orange juice + Update under Vitamins 152

Vitamin B5 216

Vitamin E 216

Vitamin K 216

Vitamin K2 216

Voice abnormal+ Update under Misc. Nbrs/Organ Support 119, 172

Voice box-correct function 122

Voltage - normalize body in cells 145

Vomiting -adverse to it 141

Walking improve. Update under Normal Body

Warfarin blood thinner 15

Warts 81, 192

Wasp sting elim allergy reaction 119

Wasting elim 65

Water raise potentiate -see back of manual 236

Water retention 219

Weakness elim 65

Weight loss 66, 68, 147, 148, 149, 151, 153

Weight management main page + Update - Weight Manage 217-220

Weight rebalance+ Update under Emotions most used 183

West Nile virus 81

Wheat - gluten - digestion 45

White blood cells increase 13

Whooping Cough protect from 172

WiFi elim effect 119

Will to live energy 55

Wilson's syndrome - high copper 52

Wind (flatulence) 84

Winning - body successful 120

Womanizer 73

Wrinkles 192

Wrist + Update under Muscles/Bones 131

Writer + Update under Misc Nbrs 73

Writer's cramp (Dysgraphia) Update under Misc. Nbrs

X rays stored energy elim 119

Yeast mold 85

Yogurt Update under Nutrition

Youth elixir 188

Zeolite - detox nuclear fallout, heavy metals 153

Zinc 72 anti virus 81