How to search the database for the 2024 Edition
Searching the database is easy but like anything, you will need to spend some time getting used to how it works.
What electronic device is best to use:
The best and easiest way to use the database is on a desktop computer. Second choice would be a laptop or tablet. If you use a phone, it is best to hold your phone in Landscape view and not Portrait. Additionally, if you use a phone, be careful with using the ‘autocomplete’ function that helps give you the correct spelling of a word. If you tap on the correct spelling of the word, it will add a space after the word in the search box. This is called a trailing space and it’s because your phone thinks you are writing a sentence. Be sure to remove this space before you hit the search button. Otherwise it will not be able to find what you are searching for.
How to search:
This is very important so please read carefully. This does not search like Google.
Use the box that says “search for keyword” when you are searching for a word or if you’re searching for a number.
Be specific and watch your spelling. The search box doesn’t know how to spell, it will only look for what you type in. If you spell the word wrong the search box will not find the correct word for you.
Use one word identifiers. For instance, if you have knee pain, don’t look for knee pain as it will only search for those two words knee + pain together. If you use two words, the Search box will only look for two words that are adjacent to one another. It will not look for ‘knee elim pain’.
Best to type in the word ‘knee’ and you will be displayed all the places where the word ‘knee’ appears in the manual.
When the search results are displayed, remember to look to the upper right where it will tell you how many pages of matches there are. There could be several pages.
If you want to search a Category:
First, be sure your “Search by keyword” box is clear! If you have something typed there, click on the “Reset” button to clear it. Remember to do this!!
Second, click on “Add Filters”.
Third, click on the third box that is auto populated with the first Category ALS.
You will be presented a dropdown menu of ALL the Categories in the manual.
Scroll through and click on the Category that you want.
DO NOT select to add another filter!! This will totally screw up your search response.
Once you have clicked on the category you want, click “Submit”.
Your search result will be all the numbers in that category. Be sure to look at the number of pages in the upper right corner of your screen. That will tell you how many pages are in that Category.
When you are done with that Category, X out of it. You’ll see this X to the right of the Category name and to the right of the Add Filters button. When you X out of the Category, give it a couple seconds to reload the manual.
Additional Information:
The words: Balancing numbers, Elimination numbers and Identification numbers have been abbreviated to BN, EN and ID respectively.
The page is set to where you can only copy and paste or print 250 characters. This is to prevent internet piracy of this copyrighted material.
Some rules to abide by:
You are limited to two concurrent logins. This means you can be signed into bbnmembers on only two devices at one time.
Do not share you login information with others.
As a practitioner, I know how important it is for you to be able to easily find numbers for your clients. I also know there are nefarious people out there that don’t care about this work and think, ‘hey this book is expensive, let’s steal it and give it away for free’.
Together we can keep this database safe. Thank you for helping me do that.
Love and hugs,