Audio Transcript Lloyd Mear and Marietta Pickett 2009
to be used with the 2024, 2nd Edition

 Transcript #1 Lloyd Mear

We’ll start at the beginning of the book. The very first page that I will discuss will be the check off page that we use when we see people face to face. We do Grand Junction Colorado every 90 days and everywhere else we do it about every 6 months. That page doesn’t have a lot on it that anybody else would use , (Lloyd is discussing his checklist which is available on the Training page on the website)- ( page 255 in the 2024 edition is the revised checklist) You will see Frequency #8, 14, 20, 23, 177, 28 and 38. Those are very unique frequencies. They are basically the frequencies of Promethium. Promethium is the energy that you find in colostrum which is the very first milk you find in the mother. The mother cow or any mother animal will have promethium in the very first milk. It basically is the frequencies of life . (See page 76)

Frequency# 8 is the frequency that protects your from viruses and infections.

Frequency #14 is an anti -auto-immune energy.

Frequency #20 is a schizophrenic – if you have a person who is schizophrenic, they will not have a 20 frequency.

Frequency#23 is bi-polar - same thing, a person who is bi-polar very likely does not have that frequency.

If you place those frequencies in - now these numbers here don’t MEAN anything with regards to treating the person. There is a mathematical number that goes in place of the 20, but it brings in that frequency 20, or the 23 or the 28. (page 76)

#23 is also a frequency you will find missing in a cancer patient. They lose that protection. Frequency #28 is Lou Gehrig’s disease.

It is also Alzheimer's and dementia. They will be missing that frequency if they have that particular problem.

Frequency #38 is an emotional frequency.

There frequencies all basically come with us at birth. And they don’t basically come from the mother, they basically come from the heavens. You can measure Promethium in the Heaven, but it’s never been measured or found on earth. So when they say that we are born from Heaven, in fact we do draw energy from Heaven, and there’s also a couple other energies that come from there–

Hydrogen 2, Deuterium, and also Technetium. Promethium and Technetium have never been scientifically found on the face of the earth but they are in the atmosphere and that’s where we get them from so we pull that energy in the evolutionary development, and it’s just basically a guide to us when we check you for those numbers. You should have them all, and if you don’t, that tells us a little bit of what we need to be looking for.

As we go through this, some these things are just general guides (Lloyd mentions the introduction pages from the original manual )

You can read there- I think there are three pages .that explain what this is all about. This is our check off sheet- we are just looking for something when we go through and do this. It takes us 10-15 minutes to do this phase and it gives us some guidelines to know what we are working with or looking for.

So, I am just going to touch on some of these things as we go along. Anyway, we go on to - I don’t have a number on this particular page= Normalizing ion channel function- ( page 93 ) - it’s not really important but it allows me to measure for estrogen in the body, plastic, and for BPA plastic buildup. So, I am looking for a problem if too much plastic has been in your life and it is affecting you in a negative way. It’s not something you would normally deal with. (These are located on page 126, BPA, Phthalates and 2 for plastic estrogen), if anyone wants to know where to find the way to deal with those build ups, it’s on page 49-a. Phyllis: you can write all four of those numbers on the side of your water bottle, and in 4-6 hours, you will have taken care of all those bad energies from plastic.

You can neutralize those energies that are not good for you with those 4 numbers that Phyllis just mentioned ( P: we think that the estrogen in those plastic bottles are a large cause of autism and weight ) Plastic may be the BIGGEST cause of autism. The energy from estrogen buildup in plastic.

When we measure autistic people, their plastic, or their estrogen number is very high- more so than in the mercury Thimerosal and that is a part of it too and that is developed from immunization, but it is a much smaller component than the plastic is.

Now we will go on to page 69: (page 150, 2024 edition) Now my book jumps all over the place because I have it set up so when I am doing the body - yours is set up alphabetically- mine is set up stage by stage so when I am checking I go through it in a different fashion than when the alphabet is , so turn to pp 69 - 69 is your spinal column.

Each number there down through represents from C1 to C2 to C3 and all the way down to the L’s and all the way down to the sacrum—and any one of those can be pinched or whatever and the energy stopped at that point and that very often is a point for discomfort and pain. Now if you look at the very bottom, it says ‘Spinal Flow’ 926947797 – (pg 150) that one number there generally activates that whole line of numbers. So you don’t have to do the whole lineup if you just do THAT number. You repeat it 7 x initially and probably after a few days, you may be able to do it 5, but you are never wrong doing each number 7 times. (Lloyd refers to 'the whole line-up' as all the numbers of the spinal column C0- sacrum)

The spinal flow number below it is sometimes required to make this work. You may find that even doing this one doesn’t bring them all in, and then you have to go to the second spinal flow which is 7476887563. It never hurts to do all three of the bottom numbers if you are having discomfort or things aren’t working right. In fact, the spinal flow of energy is absolutely critical to a healthy body. If you aren’t getting energy out of the spinal flow, you have problems to some extent and EVERYTHING in the body is dependent on that energy flow. ( Phyllis - even if you go to a Chiropractor - they can’t open it up.)

Sometimes the emotions that we have and the stress and what not will actually shut down the energy flow down the spinal column. Adjusting doesn’t necessarily deal with that. It’s basically emotion, it's a different type of build up and so at times I have talked to chiropractors and they say - “we just can’t get it to flow” Of course not, its an emotional restriction rather than a physical one so adjusting the physical isn’t necessarily dealing with the emotion. ( Phyllis : And we have a number that will release a psoas muscle that deals a lot with emotions. That is a BIG player for people having a lot of problems. It’s on page 81 (87689787487 page 61, 2024 edition)

The Psoas muscle is an emotional storage house or warehouse - it could be from childhood, or from birth, sexual activity, rape, you will find there is a LOT of emotion piled in that area, and you will find that that will cause a real problem on the function of the body. Everybody should do this number- it releases a lot of energy and gets it out of there. If you are treating people this is a good one to get everybody to do.( Phyllis - and the one right below it, Neck and shoulder (68574873847 pg 138, 2024 edition)

My next page is not your next page- but it is enzyme function. ( Page74 in the 2024 Manual) These are all enzymes that your body needs. If you are dealing with an autistic, they will not have 22374872276– that number may well be missing, and it may be a part of the energies to make the body complete in the stage of development, and Hydrogen is a big part , and it may be that the mother just doesn’t get enough Hydrogen 2 -and it may be part of what is happening on earth in some places where energies are getting weaker and weaker and the body has to come up to support it. And if we haven’t reached that level H2 becomes a bit deficient so when that human body gets past the stage of mother feeding - and comes into contact with immunization and outside energies, the H2 has not set the body up enough to be able to resist some of that and it fails to prevent this autistic type condition. So it may be part of the development of the fetus that brings this on. Maybe some day the medical community may grab hold of this and realize that there is an energy deficiency and maybe we aren’t getting complete human forms, and when we start to consider where autism has come in 20 years from one in 20,000 to one in 150 today there HAS to be something that is happening.

Autism appears to be the inability to take energy out of the system, and much of today's cure revolves around very precise diets so the body can turn consumption into energy and basically you sort of get around this condition that develops from food that is reactive rather than nourishing.



I now have you go to page 33 – hypothalamus ---- it is important that you make note of these numbers - and go in this order and follow this pattern. Once we get further into the book, the other numbers are not as critical (Page 90, 2024 edition)

The hypothalamus is the control panel of the brain. It controls all aspects of the body in some way or the other. And it basically is subject to attack from a bacteria called a spirochete bacteria which is perhaps the cause of Lyme disease, but it can play out in many , many different ways. When the hypothalamus is under attack this condition can be affecting the body in so damn many ways that it is SO difficult to know.

Anyway, out of the 21 frequencies of the hypothalamus, they are all controlled by the number at the bottom of the column - Stabilizer, Hypothalamus environment= 98376778488 - controls all of those 21 numbers. So just as a matter of interest , if you are doing somebody, automatically do that number. Do that number 7 times.

Now, next to that, below that, you have the pineal gland. The Pineal gland is basically controlled by the hypothalamus. Then you have the pituitary gland on page 34 (page 90, 2024 edition) . You've got the adrenals, next ( page 92) , You've got the fundamental control frequencies there. You've got the Parathyroid and Normalize Spinal function and the Thymus gland energetic makeup and all of these =if the hypothalamus is not up to par and not functioning-- these three pages are controlled by that 9837 6778 488 (the stabilizer hypothalamus), and when you get the hypothalamus running right, all those other things start to function normally.

(Phyllis , except for the one right beside the hypothalamus, which is the NADIS ( first two numbers ) (Nadis numbers are on page 93, 2024 edition)

We might go through that - that panel is made up a bit differently . (Lloyd is talking about the layout of that page in the original manual)

The NADIS is a protection against outside energy and it is in conjunction with the chakra system, and the Nadis basically controls all the conjugation pathways and what not where the detox processes take place. So if a person is toxic, you want to be sure the Nadis is in place, because it will open up all the natural pathways for detoxification. We'll get on to those a little bit further on in the back of the book. There are several places they will show up. The Nadis is the major control factor of the detoxifying capability of the body. The other ones here don't represent anything specific. (pg 93) They are just good numbers to have. If you are able to read the numbers in a person, you want to check those, but generally when you find that the hypothalamus is functioning correctly, you will find that ALL of these numbers are functioning adequately.

Now we go over to page 1 , ( pg4, 2024 edition) Anti aging which a person can deal with. (these are all numbers that one should have)

And below that is the calcium requirements of the body. (pp 29, 2024 edition) And that is the exact calcium requirements, and on the very left hand side, you will see the number 45.98996 which deals with tissue and healing. You will see the numbers 46.1, 46.2, 46.3, 46.8, 46.9--- that is isotope 46- that is the right isotope of calcium for the human body. More often than not, the calcium that we buy at supplement stores is basically calcium 51, and calcium 51 is not the correct isotope for the human body. So if you feel you need a Calcium supplement, you can do any one of the numbers - they spell out what they are dealing with, but you can just repeat 6788 2837 727 and repeat that 7 times and you just effectively picked up the benefits of Calcium Isotope 45.98996 which deals with tissue and healing. You are much better doing this than taking supplements. There are now some medical people starting to come out saying, "Don't take calcium supplements, they are all wrong."

The calcium that they are adding to our bread, our orange juice, and foods are really isotope 50 or 51 . There is also Isotope 49, but 50 is the most common one that they use. And our bodies cannot absorb anything other than isotope 46.1. On page 72, there is the undesirable minerals and it's all done alphabetically and you can see the number Calcium 51 (page 236, 2024 edition) - 6836785638486737 - that is the number that gets rid of the calcium 51. The numbers given under 'undesirable minerals' are all elimination numbers.

Halfway down are 'vapors' these are like agent orange, aluminum, MTBE, natural gas, -- those are elimination numbers for the vapors. And we have found that lots of the vapors cause the thyroid to go wonkers.


Then we go on to Arthritis (page 5, 2024 edition) It pretty much speaks for itself. It's pretty much a matter of trying to handle arthritis. In my opinion, Arthritis is basically a problem caused by some problem in the body. Something isn't functioning right and it leads to an arthritic condition. If the body was perfectly healthy, you wouldn't have Arthritis. That's just my opinion, but when you do have it, it's nice to have something that will help you live with it if you can't discover what it is that you have that is causing it. There's some pretty rare stuff that can come and bring on arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, and sometimes its very difficult to figure out just where is that coming from.


I've gone to page 4 (pg 89, 2024 edition)- the most important numbers here are the first four. Palladium eliminates viruses, Silver eliminates bacteria, this is the number of colloidal silver- it's just as effective to do that number as it is to do the silver . RH Hydro eliminates fungus - that is basically Rhodium, and hydrocodone (spelling?) this one gets rid of a nasty type fungus, and copper somehow seems to be supportive of all those. In itself I can't point to where it does anything but if you add it to any one, or all four of these, it is beneficial. CU is the symbol for copper.

Now we go on down- aspergillosis is a mold (page 77, 2024 edition) that is found on bread and grapes, and if you are having problems with your right knee, and you have no reason why you should be, you probably are having some kind of pancreas problem, and the pancreas will kick up a real fuss if you have mold in your stomach. So both aspergillosis and Stachybotrys could be causing it so just go ahead and do those, and you may find that the knee quits hurting. The Stachybotrys (page 82, 2024 edition) is the black mold that you find in the damp areas. You may find it in bathrooms and such and it will grow on trees, and particularly in the Pacific Northwest. But the problem is that when it dries out, these little spores drift and they are more dangerous in a dry period than in a damp period, because in a wet period they are sort of stuck to the trees or walls, but when it dries out and the wind blows, you can get a real mouth or belly full of this mold. A lot of these mold numbers are just ways I've tried to describe various types of molds, but you can try them to see which one works for you .

West Nile Virus comes and goes, (page 85, 2024) it's always been around and that number has been very effective against that. Bird Flu Star Anise (page 85, 2024 edition) is a fruit that comes out of China, maybe, and they have found that Shikimic Acid - however you pronounce it - is part of the makeup, and that is the frequency, so if you ever think you may be around any form of bird flu, this is a number that can be very beneficial to you. The rest of them sort of speak for themselves- some of them are strictly protective. Further down, cashews, fungus, anti- bacterial, (page 86, 2024 edition) that is the frequency out of cashews-if you wanted to build up your immunity, that is the number you would be using.

Question about Peanut allergy: Reaction Catalyst- Allergy Elim 9856 3848 687 (pg 124, 2024 edition) there are other numbers there you will want to check out - she may need others as well.

Back on page 5 is just more of page 4 - Bronchial (page 85, 2024 edition)- and it speaks for itself. Some of the more important ones are at the bottom which are types of pneumonia (page 81, 2024 edition). Third from the bottom is important - Nano- yes - Nanobacteria (page 81, 2024 manual) is basically one that develops in the blood stream and it doesn't hurt to do that one once in a while. We don't find that one too often, but when you do, it's the bacteria is eating up the oxygen so you are not getting a full load of oxygen to the body because of the presence of the bacteria.

If you are treating people, it's a good one just to put in as a basic requirement. In the middle of page 6, (page 78, 2024 edition) there are the initials SSKI-IOD -(iodine) we've given that one to people who have fungus between their toes, and it seems to be working quite well.

(Phyllis: the way you use that number is to put that number under your bottle, and then put that water in a bowl and put your toes in the bowl -and you can also say the numbers at the same time so you are getting it from both of them at the same time.) (testimony from another woman: I just wanted to say I am doing that - I am soaking my foot and saying the numbers and it seems to be clearing the fungus.) GREAT!

Now, just below that a couple of numbers is bladder infection (page 182, 2024 edition), Bladder Infection Elim Provo-med 5506747452) that is an INCREDIBLE effective number. If you have a bladder infection, or know of anyone, try that number because it has been SO effective. Then you have MRSA which is some of the hospital type diseases (page 81, 2024 edition) which are such a pain and so difficult to get rid of. And the Staph numbers as well- they sort of speak for themselves.(page 82) It just depends on what you have. At the very bottom of the page are three very important numbers and they are (41:20 on the audio) H-Pylori (page 87, 2024 edition) which are a bacterial infection in the intestine and it leads to ulcers. There are three different types that we deal with -IGA, IGC and IGM. We may have unknown on our page, anyway, they are all dealing with H Pylori which is a nickname for Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach. (the 'unknown' number that Lloyd mentions is 99476903468, pg 87)

Now we go over to page 8 and there is not a lot you would do here except that about half way down the page you would see a number that says SORL-1 -brain disorder (page 27, 2024 edition of manual) EVERYBODY NEEDS TO DO THAT - YOU NEED TO GIVE THAT EVERYONE, it will draw the whole brain down - you will go 'brain tired'. You need to keep repeating that one over and over. It re-energizes the SORL-1 gene and that brings the energy back to the brain .

(Phyllis - you will want to notice the next number down (page 20, 2024 edition) Near Insula" ID - the insula is an area in the brain that has perhaps been identified as the addiction center, and when you see that number ID- that means it 's an Identification, and when I am reading a person, I would read to see if they have a 6778 2739 578 and if they do, then what we do, is we reverse that number and read it from right to left - and what it does is it reverses or basically takes the ID out, and pretty soon you can't read it as it is shown in the book . You have to be careful with I D numbers --- they are just OPPOSITE of the way you want to read them - they are designed for identification to see whether you have that problem. And if you have that problem, you reverse it when you give it to someone to get rid of that condition.

“This is Cheryl .Lloyd, may we back up a bit - How did you develop the system , and where do the numbers come from? I know if I start working with clients with this, and I do muscle testing and all of that so I have the tools to know if a person would need that number, but I know I would be asked the question- "Where do these numbers come from?"

Well, they are not mine - I hold a rod in my hand that's about 30 inches long and I just identify the problem (Phyllis - it comes from Higher Source) Let's assume that you have a virus, so I ask the rod in my hand, "Do you have a virus?" If it moves, it is telling me yes, if it doesn't move, it is telling me no. OK let's assume that it doesn't move -- so - "Do you have a bacterial virus?", and it still doesn't move, "Do you have a bacterial, viral fungus? and almost at once it starts to move =- so , that's what you have. You have a combination of all three, so then I ask, 'Is there a number, or numbers that will eliminate the bacterial, viral fungus?" The rod moves to tell me yes. So I ask the rod to give me that number and the rod starts to make a very small motion and I start counting 5-10-15-20, and I'll get all the way into the 90's if I'm dealing with a virus and bacteria. So let's say the rod starts moving at 95 so then i say 95 and it's still moving- 96- it's still moving , 97 , 98 - it's still moving and 99 it quits -ok the first number is 98, then I start again - 5,10, 15 until the rod starts to move.


So continuing - let's go on to page 10- memory - it basically speaks for itself. Some of the stuff in here is to energize memory potential and what not -nothing I can enlarge on for that page (page 118, 2024 edition of manual) Lloyd, the foods under, memory brain, would those foods be good to eat also? OH SURE.

Now we deal with Candida -page 13 (page 39, 2024 edition) -there are many types of candida, and if you are dealing with candida, it wouldn't hurt to do all of those numbers. Let me use this number to show how to do it.

It shows up on the green sheet on the very back of your book (108 frequency page 270, Editor's Note: Lloyd is talking about Utilizing the Frequencies but first he mentions the 108 Frequency, page 271) now take your left hand and place the palm right smack on top of all the numbers of candida and have that top number - number 9 - pointing up the arm towards the elbow - have the 9 at the other end pointing toward the finger tips - you want those going up the arm as if they were arrows.

(Phyllis - the way to get the frequencies into your body is in the gold page in the very back, right by the green page (page 271, 2024 manual under Utilizing Frequencies)

It gives you 4 different options of where to put your hand, and we are doing option 2. Even if you don't know which number, just put your hand there for 15-20 minutes while you watch television or something, and all of those numbers will feed into your body. This can be done with any of the numbers- I just happened to pick this spot because you don't always know what type of candida you might have, it is well to do them all unless you do muscle testing to see which one of these numbers would be beneficial.

ALWAYS the LEFT hand, right on top of them. You want to be sure they are flowing IN rather than backwards, so you want the very first number to be closest to your wrist, and the last number in each line will be closest to your fingertips. So you have to have the page sideways.

QUESTION : Can you overdose with any of these numbers?

NO NO . It's like filling a glass with water-when it's full, it just overflows. When your body has what it needs, the rest just flows through or doesn't enter. But there are some numbers that you can do that can do you harm, and we don't have them in here and you can't have them unless I am working on you and you need to digest your protein (HCL, stomach acid), but you don't need it strong enough to cause osteoporosis. But I monitor you when you are doing it - I have you do it 2-3 times and it will bring you right down. It comes back up very slowly, but it ends up a perennial problem, we put you on a schedule- once a month we do this number one time. We don't give that number out and if we are working on the phone, we ask them to destroy it so if they find it and make a mistake and get their hydrochloric acid too low for them to digest protein.

Even the detox numbers can't overdose - You have to be paying attention to your body at all times - any number in here could be enough that it will cause you some discomfort if you happen to be that sensitive or extreme. So you want to be a little cautious.

Its the same with the water (the water Lloyd sells)- we tell people to take it a bit slow. Maybe only drink an ounce at a time, then in a few days, go up to 2 ounces and then work up until you are taking 4 oz at a time because some of these things can put you into major detox. But on the whole no - this is pretty rare.

“Are any numbers that you would recommend medically NOT doing simultaneously or together?”

Not that I can think of. If you are doing a group of numbers, take a pause between them - don't run one into the other.

Now we got to page 14 which is all the various types of cancer . (page 30, 2024 manual)

These numbers basically form the defense system against cancer, and if you have that number, you won't have that type of cancer. You will recognize some of the names -for example, cervical, ovarian cancer, if you have the number 48579668478 (page 35, 2024 manual), you don't have ovarian cancer. If you don't have that number, you may well be in a cancerous development stage at the very least. If you don't have cancer, you may have the energy of cancer starting to do it's damage. These numbers are just really a guide to me. (Lloyd refers to cancer numbers as a guide to look further into the manual) Now page 17 is really all of the master defense numbers for the cancer world. When I read up on cancer pattern, Master Id protected= the 6th number down 979 if that number is missing ( page 30,  97918653829) then I'm looking for cancer. Then you see a Calcium 51 and a 49 (page 30, 2024 manual) and then there is Polonium 68 Elim, (page 33, 2024 manual) and Polonium is also a major contributor to the development of cancer. So these are all elimination numbers of things that can cater to cancer.

( Phyllis: back on page 83 and 85 are the two really important cancer numbers (page 36, 2024 manual) one is a GC on page 83.

Let me read for you , if I might, how some of these numbers were developed for cancer protection.

"But there is now a way to fix your body's immune system so it can effectively fight cancer without any side effects whatsoever. The simple fix is a protein that can jump start your immune system and help it function properly. Your body has lots of protein in it. These proteins serve many different functions. These include providing, creating hormones, acting as messengers to name just a few. One of these proteins is a specific glycoprotein called GC. A Glycoprotein is a protein with a sugar molecule attached to it. And a recent study proves just how effective it is in repairing your immune system. In the study of humans, researchers found that a weekly injection for 2 to 50 weeks of just 1 BILLIONENT OF A GRAM of
GC activates the immune system of cancer patients. In fact, it does it so effectively that the researchers saw remissions of breast and colon cancers lasting seven years respectively. The GC injections cured 7 of 7 colon cancers and 16 of otherwise healthy breast cancer patients. That's a 100% cure rate for two different types of cancer. That is totally unheard of in any treatment. The Glycoprotein activates macrophage cells . In fact it is likely to be the most powerful activator ever found. Macrophages are the cells that wander about looking for, and killing, cancer cells. When your immune system is weak, cancer cells can develop, and when they develop, they create a cycle that works against your immune system. Cancer cells produce a substance called Nagalase.

(this is on the Face Book page and in August 12, 2015 Newsletter : GcMAF is an essential human protein our bodies make that removes a number of diseases including cancer. All 5 billion healthy humans make their own GcMAF. If healthy we make around 10,000 cancer cells a day, but your GcMAF, which has six attacks on cancer, destroys them every day. In all GcMAF has 20 beneficial attacks on disease. If you have a severe shock, such as losing your house or become weak, perhaps by catching pneumonia, that may give a disease the chance to send out an enzyme (nagalase) to prevent your body making its own GcMAF. If so, that stops the 20 known effects of GcMAF in the body including its six attacks on cancer; without GcMAF, your immune system also collapses, and the disease or cancer becomes chronic.( watch the 2 min video - it explains what Lloyd speaks of next.)

Back to the training audio : Nagalase removes the sugar from the GC protein rendering it inactive. And when the GC become inactive, it can't activate the macrophages. These cells remain asleep even thought they are right in the same vicinity of the cancer and so on. So what we basically did= this is a medical report I am reading out of - what we did is we developed the frequencies to activate the production of glycoprotein and in doing that - the two numbers that Phyllis made reference to, is called the GC protein. Once we did that and we got those proteins in the body, the body itself made the macrophage cells - we didn't deal with the cells at all - they just came as we supported the body's development of body protein Glycoprotein, and we went ahead, and we have now found that ... my mother passed away in June. We had been treating her for several years and we lost her to cancer. And dealing with this GC protein, we asked the question- would this have saved my mother, and it said no. So I asked the question, is there other proteins in the body that need to be developed that will create other macrophage type cells - and we got a yes answer.

So I developed another number that also appears back there , and it is a 699 number (page 34, 2024 manual) and we named it TX . We don't have any knowledge where it fits in the medical field, or even if its known in the medical field. Anyway, that TX protein- and that's the number that creates it, develops a different type of macrophage cell that fights other types of cancer. This one would have saved my mother if we had had it two months before she passed away. (so my rod tells me)

Then we come up against another type of cancer and it was called a liposarcoma type cancers (page 36, 2024 manual). Recently now, we have done one for squamous protein ( page 38, 2024 manual) and it develops a protein that develops a type cell that fights squamous cancer which is neck and head type cancer.

A lot of this work comes up as we have patients that have these types of problems and so we have to figure out how to get over the identification of their active cancer so we basically follow patterns like this that we find that work well, but then we find – OH OH - this doesn't cover that type of cancer so we have to create what we have created here.

Let's do the next two pages -18 and 19 Chromosomes (page 41, 2024 manual) This is a highly critical part of this program because this is something that medical can't do. And if you can detect if a person has a chromosome missing, and there generally will be two or three missing at a time, you may find that 10, 11, and 12 are not functioning and you may do one number - it may be 10 or 11 or maybe 12 - one of them will be the control number, but it wouldn't hurt you to read all three. One of them will be the key. That is powerful for hitting certain types of leukemias, and certain conditions that are unexplainable that just go and on and on and nobody has an answer. Just make sure - have them put their hand on it - you may have to do this in two stages but just make sure that if it's something that you can't identify, then make sure that the chromosomes are addressed because it could be that the dna isn't functioning right .

On the next page-=19 (page 43, 2024 manual) this is the page for congestive heart disease. All of these bacterial diseases are present in a congestive heart condition. One of the most important is Bacteria Virus Phil Final - Phyllis had congestive heart disease and that was the final 7 numbers that we did. Now the interesting part of these numbers is that you don't have to do the whole set, and that one on the very bottom you just have to do 886988979 and you repeat that about 7 times and all the numbers underneath that will come in. And congestive heart, next number to it, congestive heart elim, is a very important number. But once again, just the first number (Phyllis- you might want to say it more than 7 times over the day if you have congestive heart) You might want to say it 10 or 20 times to be sure you get all the impact out of it. But the Reduce Fluid is basically what congestive heart is, it's a fluid buildup and the number Reduce Fluid is very critical. And also, on this particular page, if you have a sleeping problem, melatonin is listed up there. And you can do melatonin but you're wiser to do the Pineal gland, actually controls the development of melatonin. You'll see the pineal gland on the left hand side second up from the bottom. And right next to it you'll see a number that says Stabilizer. 486782686 (page 223, 2024 manual) and that number alone actually stabilizes the pineal gland that produces melatonin. So you don't have to do the melatonin, you don't do the pineal gland- you do the 4867 number which is a stabilizer and it will stabilize that whole function. (Phyllis - but what you might want to do first is to do the hypothalamus because the hypothalamus takes care of the pineal gland.) So the thing is, you learn where to chase. That is a very important number for sleeping, and for bringing that melatonin into normalization.

Narcolepsy is a sleeping condition and there is a number for that farther back. All the sleep numbers are for helping you fall asleep , but Narcolepsy is for sleep elimination (page 223, 2024 manual). We also have sleep apnea there- we don't know if it works, but you can try it.

We are very grateful to you for being here. There is so much here, and learning how to use it is so very important. It may be a little intimidating to a lot of you, but once you start working with it and become comfortable with it, you're going to find it extremely helpful.

My Question: Does the stop snoring number really work? I don't snore and you don't know. Everybody is different. We just record what we create, but lots of times people don't get back to us.

What is BIMINI ROAD ROCKS (page 71, 2024 manual)- it is a road that is supposed to be under the ocean and by underwater camera, they have identified this road. That road has an energy, and those rocks are carrying an energy and I developed the number of those rocks. Right off Bimini Island in the Caribbean. I take that number and I take a glass of water, and put that energy into the glass, then I ask, is this energy good for the human body- will it do this and will it do that and I can get all kinds of answers out of that energy to determine where it might fit and where it might be useful.

"Wow" That's awesome!

Lloyd, can you tell me what those dimension numbers are?" (page 123, 2024, manual)

Well, the dimensions vary depending on what part of the world you are in. Generally now, in this part of the world, we are in the 5th dimension. There are some people who are energy workers and what not that are in the 8th dimension. These are just numbers that represent that dimension. If you are in the 6th dimension, you're basically in chaos. A lot of these kids that have these labels ADD, ADHD, and so on- a lot of them are in the 6th dimension, and we have a number there that we can bring them out of the 6th and bring them back to the 5th. They are far more stable in the 5th dimension. This is a very evolving field - the 8th dimension is starting to show up, primarily energy workers. And the next dimension after the 8th is the 12th. And we only have one person in the 12th dimension. (when he made this audio -- he discusses that more in his later teachings.) Dimension to begin with was probably the first dimension and that was a cave man. 80% animal- 20 % human--he survived strictly as an animal would . And as we moved into the 2nd dimension, it was probably more 80% Human and 20% animal. Now a lot of the world, in some parts , are pretty much still in the second dimension. They are very controlled by very strict religious beliefs, and very tightly controlled as a society. And they've never been able to move out of that dimension. They're still in the second -maybe 2.3, 2.4, but still in the second dimension. The third dimension is primarily where we were just seven years ago.

That has changed in just the last seven years and we have moved into the 5th dimension. The third was probably about 20% light and 80% human. The 5th dimension is probably more like 40% and 60 % human.

The 8th dimension is probably more like 50-60 -70 % light and the balance human. And the 12th dimension is about 80% light and 20% human. It's just getting more enlightened, I guess would be the word. There are several opinions on this stuff, and part of what I am saying is coming from some of these other opinions, and it's amazing how we graduate, and who in the hell is doing the graduating, I couldn't tell you, but it really is quite amazing to see people move in their dimensions.

If I can interject - the 2nd number down from the top is called 'the 6th dimension elimination' if you know someone who has a grandson or a granddaughter, or know someone who has ADHD or ADD or any of those, have them read that number for a week ,and you'll be amazed at what it will do. IT IS SUPER!

We have several teachers using it in their classrooms - not knowingly -( page 123, 2024 manual) to the students and to the school, but they just can't believe the difference it's made it in their classroom . It brings the energy from way up high and it lops it right down. It grounds the kids where they should be. It takes them down to the 5th,and then they will gradually move into the 8th. The 6th dimension may well be a very stable dimension by 2012 (which didn't seem to occur) but right now it's very unstable.

?? Lloyd , How do you use these numbers on animals? (page 270, 2024 manual)

Go the green page in the very back, and it will tell you how to do it.

You put your hand on the left hand side of the animal. You have to be an 108 frequency- then you take your right hand and put it on the left side of the animal and you read the number in. The number will go right through you into the animal, or into a tree, you can even have the animal put their paw on the number.

Once you become a 108, you can telepathically send the energy to animal 'Bossie' just stand outside the corral and say - this is for you Bossie, and read the number 7 or 8 times. We've had our horse down and almost out - Phyllis did some of it in the corral until he started to get up and thrash around a bit so she had to get out and we did it from outside and he's still hanging out there.

??: Is there a number in here for Tetanus. No. There's no reason why we couldn't develop one though. That's what they supposedly have because someone didn't take care of them properly. IF they have a container that has a little bit of medication left it in, send it to us , and Lloyd can get the number.

How do I order the book? - Go to the web site -

When I develop the number, put in into water- then raise the potential of the water to 200,000 and add it to their water so it will be easy to administer. ( page 270, 2024 manual)

That's the problem - these things mutate- and it takes the medical community a long time to develop something to keep up with the mutations- but we can do it pretty quickly. If I can see the animal or the person- or if I can identify them, then I do a number and if the problem doesn't disappear, then I haven't got the right numbers.


Transcript #2 Lloyd Mear

Ok, we got to page 20 (page 44, 2024 manual)- diabetes page -page 19 is primarily congestive heart virus page (page 43, 2024 manual) and all the bacteria and viruses you can get that can lead to inflammation and retention of fluid in and around the heart, and that page was created for Phyllis, and that’s possibly why she’s still here.

And there’s two important numbers on it. The most important ones are the three at the bottom . One is, Reduce Fluid, 38475748578 , Congestive Heart 88475677468, and Bacterial Virus Phil Final 886988979  

For those three all you have to do is the first number.  If you have just done these three numbers, you have basically done what it takes to get out of the congestive heart problem. 

The number right above reduce fluid is a stabilizer, and it’s Pineal Stabilizer 486782686 and that number basically energizes the pineal gland which in turn produces melatonin so if you are needing some aid in sleep, you don’t worry about the melatonin number which is a 5269 number, or the pineal gland number, instead you do the 486782686 ( increase sleep) number, and it basically makes everything happen. ( page 223, 2024 manual)

Now go over to the diabetes page - ( page 44, 2024 manual)

There’s not a lot we can do with diabetes. It’s quite a balance process, and it’s very difficult to know what to balance, and how to balance it out, but the one thing you can is the 3rd number down - it says ‘correct insulin’ and insulin is not actually produced by the pancreas, it’s delivered by the pancreas, but it’s actually produced elsewhere, and that number, 38677642495 is actually a number that improves the quality of the insulin that your body is putting out. ( it’s labeled ‘correct insulin and it is line 3 (page 45) this is an important number- anybody with diabetes needs to be doing this number and there’s another number about 10 down that say’s inflammation elimination - In my opinion what happens, particularly in the advanced cases is that inflammation sets in in the extremities so you don’t get the circulation so then you get the problem of die-off and gangrene setting in so you need to keep that anti inflammation number present in the body as a protection if nothing else. Certainly every diabetic wants to be dong that number  (page 44 ~ 67875987397 )

There‘s also a number two numbers above that, and in my opinion often there are wrong minerals in the body that bring on some of these conditions, and in this particular case, it happens to be Selenium Isotope 79 and Iron Isotope 59, and the ID stands for Identification, and that allows me to know that yes, you have those in body. ) And those are NOT desirable minerals- they are not constructive at all- they are basically toxic to the body, and the number right below it that says ‘Diabetes metal elimination’ the 64467856699 number, (page 44) –eliminates those two items. So the three numbers that are critically important for diabetes are the 3rd one down . It won’t hurt you to have the other diabetes numbers, but these three are the critical ones.

Correct Insulin 38677642495

Inflammation Elim 67875987397

Diabetes Metal Elim 64467856699

You never want to do an ID number - that's just for me ( us) to identify that, yes, you have that problem. You can use any method that works- pendulum, rod, or muscle test, to identify if you have that problem. And the number right below it is the one that eliminates the problem. (Lloyd is referring to the Diabetes Metal ID number, top of page 44 and the Diabetes Metal Elim number, same page, 10 numbers down under Elimination.

Ok, going on to the next page, we are going to digestion.( page 48, 2024 manual) I'm not too sure I can touch on anything specifically. There is basically nothing that you wouldn't benefit from. Digestive energy, about the 5th or 6th down, is probably a good one if you're feeling that your digestive system is a little sluggish. (page 53, 2024 manual) There are two numbers there and they both probably would work. Constipation is a big problem, and two numbers we have here may help you with that. (page 53, Constipation Relieve) It may not be another person's particular problem so it's a matter of finding the one that works for you.

Now we go to page 22 Disease Category (these 9 numbers under Disease were moved to their appropriate categories in the 2024 manual, there is no longer a category called Disease) and these touch on several diseases. Our program is not really strong on fighting diseases. It's more designed to regulate and normalize the body. And in doing so, we would hope some of these diseases are no longer able to exist. But there are some of them in here and you can touch on the name of them and these are numbers we have developed for specific people who have had specific cases of specific diseases that they've been diagnosed with.

(Phyllis - go back to pp23 (page 74, 2024 manual) this is pretty much all self explanatory - except in the case of Correct Enzyme Malfunction for Autism. It would appear in dealing with autistic children, they do not have this frequency and it may be a cause of autism is that they do not have that digestive enzyme so the food they are eating is becoming toxic to them rather than energy. And this number has to be brought into their digestive system to get them out of this toxicity that they are building. This is just part of an autistic theory that I have developed. But that is a critical number for autism. You really should have all of these numbers so you really should do them all unless you have something that tells you which ones you would benefit from. But there are three of them that are important, (page 74) and the one called 'horse energy elimination' we developed this for a person who had digestive problems, and they had been around horses a lot and as near as we could determine, they had acquired some kind of energy from the horses. This was the elimination number to get rid of that energy. Now you go down to Adjust Liver Cells, the 999 # (page 74) and the 9768 number below it (page 74, Stabilizing Elim type of energy under Elimination Numbers) if you just do those three numbers, it appears you stabilize everything else. When I check people, it's never failed that if they have those three numbers, they have everything else.


Emotions is a big subject and they basically speak for themselves. (page 59, 2024 manual) They are very incomplete. There is a mountain of stuff you could do in the emotional world that would be beneficial, but to the extent that we have gotten, this is where we are.

(Phyllis: On page 81 (page 61, 2024 manual- Psoas Muscle-emotional trauma elim ) it deals with emotions, and that's the psoas muscle. That's a BIG one.) The Psoas muscle is the one that brings the top of the torso and the bottom of the legs and so on and ties everything into the hip. It's basically a storage of emotions. This is particularly for females - with childbirth, or sexual encounters, or rape or whatever, they may have a lot of stored energy which is negatively affecting them. That number will release that energy. It wouldn't hurt everyone to do that number every once in a while, but for people having those types of issues, it will get rid of that negative energy. I don't know that there's much to talk about on the emotions.

(Phyllis- Electric anomaly, emotional kids (page 62)

and then there is the Negative Emotional Energy (page 64, 796883949)

Some of these were developed for very specific instances, and it was effective with what we were dealing with. IT wouldn't hurt someone with a lot of emotional problems that they don't know where they are coming from, to do a lot of these numbers. You may find they are beneficial, particularly when you start putting them together.

“Lloyd, what about the numbers with the H's in them. What is the sequence? You say?”

H7, H7, H7, 3 or 5 times, then you go to H21, H21, H21, then to H31, H31, H31 and you continue until you have repeated the whole line, but you repeat each number either 3 or 5 times before moving on to the next number. The Hydrogen number concept is a concept that I developed myself. We are primarily created out of Hydrogen, as everything on earth is, and my effort was to see if these numbers would play a role. I've never really had them proven, or that we use them often enough to really know. I got them this far, and you'll see them come in every so often. They are not going to hurt you, but I'm not too sure how effective they would be.

“Lloyd, back up there to the 'will to live' (page 59, 2024 manual) the first one would be to identify if someone had a will to live, and the one right below it where it says, will to live reversed. Explain exactly what those would be.

Well, Will to Live ID is an identification number once again, and you read that number to see if they have a will to live. You may find someone where that number is missing and that would tell you that you need to be working on the next one down to get them back to a stable form of wanting to live. But the ID number is Not ONE YOU EVER WANT TO USE - IT IS STRICTLY FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF A PROBLEM.

Page 25 is more of that emotional page- There is an Inherent Fear in the Body Elim 8732 (page 60, 2024 manual)- the 4th number down - and this can be very debilitating. Basically your body is being overwhelmed by fear of something. Fear of managing, or maintaining, and this is an elimination number to get that fear out of your body so it's not overwhelming you.

OK, we go to page 26, and these are all energy numbers. (page 69, 2024 manual) Once again, they pretty much speak for themselves as to whether they are beneficial to you or not. Most of these numbers you may already have, but if you are fatigued you may find that there are three of them about a third of the way down, ( page 69) One is called Chronic Fatigue elimination, 68868 and one is called Epstein Barr elimination- 6576 (pg 78) also fatigue elim -48679778967 (page 69) that's a really good one to do if you are just out of energy and totally fatigued. Those are really important numbers- don't ignore those. I (Lloyd) have a problem with both Chronic Fatigue and Epstein Barr, and when I am just really fatigued, I check my numbers, and you may find that before you even finish doing the numbers, you have a real lift. There's one more = stabilize fatigue elimination – 7848 ( page 70, 2024 manual)

Phyllis - one of the most important ones is the very top ones: Neutral energy to negative energy 78902345789. (page 72, 2024 manual) Our body needs to be in a negative energy field- not our emotions, but our body. Yes, we do operate in a negative electrical field. That's why we pick up negative ions from a lake or stream, or even from a wood burning stove, and negative ions cater to your body's negativity, and if you are operating in a positive energy, if you get sick, you will NOT GET WELL. Everything works backwards, so if you have a sick person, one of the MAIN THINGS TO DO IS TO MAKE SURE THEIR ENERGY IS IN THE NEGATIVE FIELD.

Again the fatigue ones on the bottom third of the page are critically important. (page 69, 2024 manual)

SORTI ( top of page 69) The SORTI Elim is a number that deals with having an effect on the brain. There is a gene in the body, and if it loses its energy, the problem you have is that it draws all the energy out of the brain. SORTI energy is an energy that we have identified as an energy that is much more prevalent in big cities than it is in the country. Its a natural energy but it is sort of a combination of cell phones, and all that, and it gets contaminated in big cities and it basically has the effect of shutting down the medulla oblongata which is a knot in the back of your neck. That gets shut down, and it also has an effect on the blood flow that comes up your back, and the back of your neck into the brain, called the bacillary arteries and they get shut off when this SORTI energy is overpowering you. You don't want to do the ID number, but the 7766 - reversed ID - improves the body's ability to fend off that energy. And in doing so, it allows the medulla oblongata to operate normally and allows the blood flow to normalize and flow back up the back of the neck. This number has also helped people who have trouble working under fluorescent lights.

He goes into the 'Bimini Road Rocks ' - it's an area in the Atlantic ocean where they have photographed a 'road or rocks and these rocks give off a beneficial energy. I forgot what it does, but I developed that number for that energy.

I had the opportunity to take the energy off a picture , so I thought I'd grab it while I had the opportunity.

Next, allowing energy to flow through scar tissue - for people who have had surgery, scar tissue can be quite restrictive (page 70, 2024 manual)

I'm looking for one that deals with energy that comes up with a full moon and it is called SOEFS. On a full moon and the day after, the SOEFS energy goes extremely high - this is the cause of ' wolves or dogs howling at the moon.' Some people go through horrendous headaches at that time. ( page 133, 2024 manual)


Now we go into Elastin and collagen. (page 57, 2024 manual, these are all balancing numbers on this page) Elastin and collagen give the body stability, and it's a good thing to have these numbers present in your body.


Frequencies are sort of self-explanatory. They basically are the fundamental frequencies of life. (page 76, 2024 manual) You are born with 8, 14, 20, 23, 28 and 38. If you are not born with them, you have potential problems. If you don't have frequency 20, you could very well be schizophrenic. If you don't have #23, you could be bi-polar . And if you have cancer, # 23 will disappear. #28 deals with Lou Gehrig's disease and Alzheimer's, and dementia, and #38 deals with emotions. And if you don't have those numbers, it tells us what to be looking for. #8 signifies a very severe infection, and #14 deals more with auto immune diseases and immune system dysfunction. As you correct the problem, they come back strong. They actually appear to come from a mineral called Promethium and this particular Promethium is present in the first milk of the mother – colostrum. Even though the mineral promethium is recognized on the periodic chart, it has not been found on earth. It actually is present in the ozone layer and the fetus at a developing stage pulls that energy in at a certain stage of life, and you can read it in the fetus. You don't read it in the mother, but somewhere around 6 1/2 - to 7 months. What it really is is life protection and it basically brings you into the world until you start to consume stable food at about 5 - 6 months of age. All vegetables and fruits have one of these frequencies. An apple may number 8, or an apple 14, or asparagus 38 .


Going on down the list there's not much to talk about. These things speak for themselves. (page 76, 123,  2024 manual) I've done some more on the educational aspects- math, music, writer

Lloyd, could we touch on the addictive numbers on page 31 before we move on. (Addiction ID numbers page 123)

( Phyllis- the smoker number- that one REALLY works--- one fellow went from 3 packs a day to about 3 a day and he really didn't know why he smoked those.) The interesting thing about that number is, if you are a smoker, you will have that number in you, but it will be backwards. 53678585, and that is driving your body to have another cigarette. All we've done is turn that number around (58587635 pg 161) and take it out of your system and we've talked to any number of people and they've said they totally lose that drive to have to have a cigarette, but they may do it out of habit, or just straight desire to do it. For those of you who want to quit, if they will read that number before they take that cigarette, if they will read that number about 10 times before they light that cigarette, they may find they no longer want it. It's only an aid- it’s not going to solve the problem unless you want to quit. But it can have a lot of influence to help you get over the driving need. As far as the drug addiction, You have another number that makes it taste bad, don't you?

There's one in here to make a smoker sick. What we tried to do was we tried to come up with a number that when they smoke, they get ill. I'm not to sure how well that one worked, but I haven't gotten to much response on this one. (believe he is referring to the number on page 161, 2024 manual, Unable to Tolerate Smoking) Drug addiction- it shows up also in the brain . There's a part of the brain that is right up in the center ,and it's called the Near Insula and it's a portion of the brain that sits in the center, and how they discovered it, and isolated it, is they discovered a person who had a stroke, prior to the stoke, and prior to the stroke was a smoker, and had absolutely no intention of quitting smoking, but the stroke had an effect on the center part of the brain, and it flowed over into this INSULA area, and as the person recovered from the stroke, they had absolutely no desire to keep smoking, and so they realized this INSULA is an addictive area in the body. It shows up in the brain- I'm not too sure it's even the same number here.

Under brain, INSULA- (page 20, 2024 manual) - this for any type of addiction, even food, read this number backwards to get rid of an addictive problem


Question: What is the basis of this knowledge?

We look at the human body as a ball of energy. We look at it as basically 80% water and 20% mineral. It basically operates as an electrical system that operates on various levels of electrical energy. We refer to that electrical energy as frequencies. We have come to understand that the basic frequencies deliver different programs to the body. There may be as many as 1.2 million frequencies in the human body. It's very much like a radio - you turn to a certain number on a dial and when you get a certain frequency, you get a certain program.

Are you using a mechanical device to do this, or is it intuitive energy?

This is all intuitive. I am just the medium. I receive the information through the process I go through, and I develop the numbers from above. The numbers are fed to me and I hold a rod in my hand, and I count 5, 10,20, 25, and my rod will be dead still until I get close to that number and then it will start to move. It's about 30" long - if you want to learn more,.


Can I put some numbers on the back of a photo- learn to be 108 - you and send them to him -you can put them on any location on the left side of the body -with the numbers facing up toward the heart – YES.

I've been putting numbers on a card -on my left palm. Is there a limit as to how many I should do at one time? No.

The addiction of Near INSULA - how are you testing for these. When there are numerous numbers with the same name, how do we know which numbers to use?

That's part of the problem, but it wouldn't' hurt you to do them all. You can put your hand on all of them. (if you use a pendulum or muscle testing, you can ask, do I have this one, or, Is this one a good one, or Do I need this one?)

One of the interesting numbers is 'backseat driver.' That was actually a woman who was a horrendous back seat driver, and she asked me if i could develop a number that would stop me from doing that , and her husband says as long as she does that number, she is a dream , but if she doesn't do her number, she becomes a tyrant--- slow down, turn here, don't drive there, - but otherwise she's quite calm if she does her number. (page 128, 2024 manual) Some of these are quite humorous how they were developed.


Is there any place in your book where you have genetic numbers? I was born missing a part of a gene. Go to Chromosomes.

caller: I'm missing 23, 11Q12-13.

Let's look. Let's go to chromosomes (page 41, 2024 manual)

caller: -it's called Multiple endocrine abnormality type 1 of the pituitary, parathyroid, and pancreas.

I'm testing now to ask the question , do you have chromosomes pairs 1-23 complete, and I get a answer, no, so on page ( page 41) you are probably missing a chromosome, or even maybe some of them that are causing that gene not to be there.

: I'm missing 11q12-13, so is that what I'd do is 23, the x chromosome?

You don't have a number 11, 12, 13, chromosome 14, 15, then you have 16. You may find that they come in when you stabilize 13. That is often the case. So you'd want to do chromosome 23, and you may find that your condition normalizes.

I have a question about normalizing. I have, or had, presumably, Sjogren's (Hashimoto's-page 8, 2024 manual) when I was 13, and I've been on thyroid ever since. I can't imagine that I can reverse the Hashimoto's at this point, can I?

Phyllis: Well, one never knows. You can try.

It's possible that everything can be reversed. We're not able to do it in this book. This would be a special application for you as an individual, and I'm sure there are other individuals out there like you, but the point being is with stem cell variety and there are many things you could do to rebuild your condition. I'm not sure I know all I need to know to do it, but I'm not suggesting that it couldn't be done.


On the bottom of page 32 you have number of numbers at the very bottom of immune boost, (page 130, 2024 manual) and it's a series of 9 1's , then there’s depression elimination, (page 59 '9999911111', 2024 manual). energy boost~ 888888888 (page 71), adrenal boost~ 899999999 (pg 66), stabilization conscience stable~ 778899003 (page 76), brain balance~ 000000000 (page 76), digestive energy ~ 654655465 (page 53), these are all a bunch of numbers. The stabilization conscious stable, and it's amazing how often that has a positive role in the body, and it's 778899003. The brain stabilize number above it will actually and utilize about 3 points more in your brains. (Brain Expansion numbers on page 76, 2024 manual) Most of us use about 12% of our brain, and if you use those numbers, you may find that you are using about 15%. The math, music, we went through that already.

Phyllis: that 778899003 brings all the systems into order, your nervous, your digestion, and so on .
If they are out there, it will bring them all right back in. When I had my stoke, Lloyd walked in and started mumbling that number, and then I took over and kept repeating that number, and when the doc walked in he just said, don't worry doc, later I'll tell you all about it and 10 min later I was fine.

Yes, she came right out of the stroke and it just faded away. One thing about these numbers is that they have a shelf life of forever.


Now we go to glands (page 90, 2024 manual) The important number is the hypothalamus stabilization (pg 90)- Stabilizer Hypothalamus Environment, and that 9837 number controls all the 21 numbers of the Hypothalamus, and the Hypothalamus controls the Pineal, the Adrenals, the Pituitary, the Thymus, the Parathyroid, and all the numbers on (pages 86-89, 2014 manual) If you are doing other people, this is a number you want to do because it brings in so much normalization. Also the Nadis number is connected to your chakra system and it's your protection against outside energy. (page 93, 2024 manual) It also controls the detox channels and detox conjugations in the body- you want to do it either male or female, and you will open up all those detox channels.

Let's just assume that your adrenals were sluggish, all you'd do is number 1, just do it about 7 times, and you don't have to do all the rest of them. You can put your hand over all 8 of them, but if you do number 1, it will control it and bring all the others in.

Now we go to page 35 (page 99, 2024 manual) If you can muscle test, or use a pendulum or whatever, you can test to see if a potential heart attack or stroke is coming on. Normally you would not read those numbers. (heart attack potential and stroke potential). If a person is totally healthy with no stroke or heart attack coming on they will not have that number and you will not read that number. It's only when you start to read that number that these problems are coming on, and these are ID numbers for identification. If I were reading you, and I started reading 38576757697 and all at once I could read 7697 , then you are entering into a potential heart attack position. (Editor: remember, numbers come in from the right so if someone is entering into a heart attack position the heart attack potential id number would start to come in from the right starting with the last digit. So you would ‘read’ the person by starting with the first digit and then the next digit and so on. If they have no part of that number they are good.) I would then go on to page (page 103, 2024 manual) - and the very first thing I would do the very bottom number which is Nitric Oxide Increase (and nitric oxide synthetase) -- and I would get those two numbers, and what Nitric Oxide does is expands the arteries, and what I would be doing would be to counter the blood flow shortage that appears to be developing for some reason.

Right above that is Nitroglycerin - and you those two numbers to give more blood flow (page 103) to stave off this potential heart attack.


There's a lot of little things (page 103, 2024 manual) that you could do Normalize Av Node and Normalize Cardiac Sinus Node, Sinoatrial Node - all the way down to normalize heart beat - down to fibrillation elimination to balancing - these are all electrical, and these are all things that can cause a heart not to pump on a regular basis. If you are having any type of heart problem at all , you want to make sure these numbers are all present and functioning.

Then we get down to C Reactive Protein, PLGF, these are all basically bacterial type inflammations that can affect the blood and arterial system, so they are all important to do as well. Then you get into the nutritional side of heart support. Then you get to heart-lung stabilizer (page 102, 2024 manual) that are all heart support, but there's a lot of stuff on (his pp35-- You want to be doing virtually all of it -on to page (36) -and there's a whole section on nourishment, and heart (Lloyd is referring to the numbers in this category for chia, lemon balm, red wine-resveratrol, and Ribose)

Phyllis: Heart Virus Claire Heart Mitral Valve Prolapsed (page 103, 2024 manual) and below that is a heart virus (above Heart Virus Claire 954844..) these are two very critical numbers. It's not at all uncommon to find these in people who are not doing well. I did an elderly lady the other day - she was having a really hard problem, not enough energy, a lot of bloating in the stomach - and we got rid of these viruses, and her bloating all disappeared, and her energy level went up immensely. This is very difficult for medical to determine. This may well never be determined in a fatal case. A fatal case may well be caused by one or both of these but medical would not be able to determine this. Make sure you include these two numbers when you are checking a person with heart problems.


Now you get down to expansion of the arteries, and you get them to open up to get more blood flowing. Nitric Oxide, Nitroglycerin, (page 103, 2024 manual) (Lloyd is repeating here what he said earlier about the nitric oxide and nitroglycerin numbers)

Extend Life, Final Stage, pg 102

This number that says Death Energy ID – (page 30, 2024 manual) You would do this with a pendulum perhaps, you would read that number, and if you could read that number, 4768784267934267 and none of those numbers were showing up, but all of a sudden you could read 4267, then death is progressing, and the next number you would read maybe 3 or 4 hours later, you might read 93 and when they die you can read that whole number. So you can tell just how serious a condition is, and I've used it numerous times on both humans and animals, and I would like to think that all the ones we have treated are still alive. That number will disappear as you start to correct whatever it is that's taking their life. That number will disappear so you can't read any part of it.


The next page deals more with the heart - pain in chest -Pain in Joints in Chest Costochondritis Elim 68374762369 (page 138, 2024 manual) most of it sort of speaks for itself- Angina Reduction. (page 101) a lot of the information on the heart is very credible information.

The next ones speak for themselves. Ringing in the ears, (page 98, 2024 manual) is part of the three functions in the brain - Normalize Amygdala 7846593652883677, Normalize Dentate Gyrus 52374673427, Normalize Hippocampus 58324768427- (page 98) are three brain functions that have a lot to do with hearing and by keeping those numbers up, you may find that your hearing is improved. As to ringing in the ears, I'm not too sure that we are too successful in getting over everybody's irritation from whatever it is that they are hearing.

The next one, Hair, (page 94) speaks for itself. There's a lot we would like to do with it - especially in regard to men growing hair back.


Then we go to Hepatitis (page 105) and we find hepatitis all the way down to Hepatitis O.

Herpes also sort of speaks for itself. (page 106, 2024 manual) That's a pretty broad subject too. Canker sores - that one really works. ---(page 201) The cold sores number is very effective also (page 201)

Let's move on to high blood pressure (page 108) -this is a very, very difficult thing to manage. Any one of these could work for you. On the other hand, they may not be sufficient. Phyllis has tried all of them and some others, and she still has to have help with medication in order to keep it under control. I just read a recent article where they say blood pressure is not NEAR as critical as they make it out to be. So, just how important is blood pressure? I haven't brought that information into our book yet, but I am going to draw on some of it. Then there are the things you can do nutritionally that helps control blood pressure.

Page 111 is HIV . We've had some very close up experience in treating folks with HIV and it's a very interesting effort. I couldn't tell you just how well the people are doing.


We go to page 114- the immune system. These 16 numbers make up the immune system. IF you don't have a number 11, then you need to be looking for cancer. If you don't have 1,2 or 4, you want to be looking for HIV being present. If you don't have 12 and 13, you potentially have a spirochete bacteria affecting the hypothalamus in the brain and that will show up with the brain being deficient in that area. There's a lot to be learned from the immune system, but there it is. And to have everything in balance, you have to have all 16 of those numbers.

Auto immune (page 8, 2024 manual) is basically the immune system attacking the body and these are numbers that more or less keep it in support. We find all you really need to do is lower the immune system boost, and we do that by reversing immune system boost - 85465778526 (page 115, 2024 manual) (page 8, Immune system boost reversed -62587756458)

Infections – (page 116, 2024 manual) - some of these are covered in other sections. On the Lloyd's sheet something called Polymorphism and I can't remember what it's for but now and again it shows up.

Miscellaneous Category. Here's your SOEFS numbers-(page 133, 2024 manual) full moon energy - there are 3 above that - the electrical short circuit , and electrical anomaly and electrical disturbances ( page 125, 2024 manual) and electrical short circuit deals with dementia.

A lot of these things speak for themselves- foot cramps, I just did a number today to eliminate fluid buildup in the lower extremities. Fluid retention in legs and feet.

Then we go on over to MS. (pg 135, 2024 manual)

Let's stop here and take questions. Yes, when we deal with MS it means we have to sort of get strung out into the brain and other areas so it gets a little more difficult to pull it all together.


Q and A: Lloyd, what does those two MMS numbers under high blood pressure do (pg 109)

Not likely - I don't take on a lot of knowledge - it keeps my brain a lot cleaner in what I'm doing it's a normal number and I can't tell you what it is. I could at the time, but I probably can't now.

How do you determine if a frequency is missing. The hardest part of the book is teaching someone how to read that. But if you took your hand and put your hand over as many as you can cover and do them for 15 minutes =- then move your hand to the next portion and do them for 15 minutes, and so on. If you aren't able to detect something - just do all the numbers. You will get the benefit of whatever you need - and if you don't need it, your body will not be able to take them on.

Can you take the last five minutes to discuss the water issue. We have been designed to drink water that comes from rainfall - from streams and lakes, and this water is in very small particle form, these water molecules are small enough in size to enter our cells and hydrate each and every cell in our body. Now, in our wisdom, we put in piping systems and pressurize it to bring it into our tap, and in the pressurizing, we cluster these little nano water particles together and they become micron in size, which is about 1000 times larger than our nano water, so all of a sudden our water particle is too large to enter into the cell.

All our energy is created in the cells and the energy that is spent is spent internally in the cell. The idea of water to flush that out and give us more energy capacity is lost when we can't flush out the spent energy. It also allows the cell to dry up, and in doing so, they are less electrically conductive, and since we are an electrical system, all of a sudden our electrical conductivity becomes much less, and so we find our electrical system is malfunctioning and our state of health is not good. So we start out by de-stressing the water- it goes through a machine- it takes the stress out of it and it is now nano water.

Then we went ahead and we developed numbers, and we've done it for all the vitamins, minerals, salts, sugars, everything the body needs as a sustaining energy is all part of that water formula. In some cases we've gone further than that, and we've added in all the cancer numbers-- we've added in the numbers that keep you from becoming bi-polar and schizophrenic are in a particular water, and that water is called -BALANCE- and that water will take a person who is schizophrenic and take them right out of schizophrenia -- so it's all a matter of numbers, and water had a memory. It's on page 270 in the back of the book - and you repotentiate it and you take it back up to the 35,000 energy level.


You can actually take a number and put it in the water and it will stay there. Now, it won't stay there forever, and so what we have developed is a technique of showing you how to revitalize and keep that energy up so that it doesn't fade away and at some point disappear. You are able to do it every month - you put your right hand on it and you basically make a statement that is in the back of the book (page 270) and it that way you can keep this energy going for every.


That is the principle of it, now the content varies from one formulation to another- depending on what a person needs. We try to diagnose that out when we determine what their needs are, we put them into the water type that will be most beneficial to them.

If you have the book, you will have the number so you can call to order the water.

And as you consume it, you consume two glasses - or 16 ounces a day - the bottle you receive will have 64 ounces in it, and as you take 16 ounces out, you put 16 oz of our own water back and in fill the bottle. But on the bottle there is a label, and under that label is another label that you don't see , but if you run your finger down that label, you can feel it, and that label is nothing but mathematics, and those numbers take the stress out of your water- your water falls apart so it becomes nano water in that bottle and the energy of the remaining water in the bottle will recharge the entire bottle back up to its full potential again.

AT the end of the month, you 'recharge ' the bottle, using the statement in the book, and bring it back up to its full potential again. So it's really a water factory, and the water in there is very high quality, very energetic, and treating whatever it is that made up that formula. But you will be getting all the vitamins, all the nutrients, all the salts, that your body needs - you really don't need to be doing any supplements in the conventional sense.

And if you do feel you need a supplement, you are better off going to the calcium numbers and reading them because they are the isotopes 46, the format that your body is able to digest. If you read those numbers over and over again, you are going to get the benefit of calcium. And those calcium numbers are also in the water.

THANK you so much. We'll schedule the next training call.


Transcript  # 3 Lloyd Mear

We are going to start off today on 48 (pg 135, 2024 manual) - which is MS- Multiple Sclerosis. The 6th number down on the page, 6848 number is the critical number, Hypothalamus message to body to elim - because to the best of my understanding, indicates that there is a message coming out of the hypothalamus that is telling the immune system to attack the myelin sheath ( pp135) and the number 6848 is a message to the hypothalamus that stops that, scrambles that message and stops that attack.

The next number that is important is the stem cell increase number- (pg 136, 2024 manual) 5339...this number starts the rebuilding process of the myelin sheath and starts putting the coating back on it. MS is really where the nerves have become uncovered and they become raw nerves in the body, and this is all caused when the immune system dysfunctions. Those are really the critical numbers. There are two more numbers a bit further down - One is Silica 10 increase and the other is Thallium increase (pg 136, 2024 manual). Those two minerals are the minerals that rebuild the Myelin Sheath. At first these are critical also, but after a few weeks you only have to do these once a day . BUT IT'S CRITICALLY IMPORTANT TO DO THE 6848 HYPOTHALAMUS AND 5339 STEM CELL MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY FOR AT LEAST A MONTH - IT WON'T HURT TO CONTINUE A BIT LONGER.

If someone has had MS for a while, is it just a matter of keeping at and continuing to do these numbers and not give up or quit?

YES . It's a lengthy process if you are pretty well advanced in it, but normally the people we find just realize they are hurting - it could be a shoulder, or a forearm, or the back of their neck - it could be anywhere on the body - the calves or thighs, and for no reason at all they start to hurt and nothing they do seems to stop it , this is the problem.


You want to do those four numbers- the 6848, the 5339 , and the silica and thallium , and generally the symptoms will pretty much go away in about two weeks. If you have a much longer case, you have a much longer battle.

Next we will go to page 137 - Muscles here's not much I can add, there is one muscle - the Psoas Muscle- line 7

1:22:05 That psoas muscle is an emotional storage shed, so very often there are a lot of emotions stored in that muscle. It will show up later on when it shows up. And how to get rid of emotional build up that you may have been packing all your life. This is particularly true is all female issues - childbearing, rape, and when we get to that number we'll show you how to relieve it and get it out of your system (number is on pg 143, 2024 manual).

Miasms (pg 120, 2024 manual) are basically traits that are carried from generation to generation. We don't worry about positive miasms. We only deal with negative ones. These numbers here are all negative miasms. We have no way of knowing what they are, but these numbers will get rid of all that we have so far detected. There are traits that you may have a potential towards cancer, or something, in a negative sense. We don't try to do anything with positive ones.


Now we got to page 155, 2024 manual, Normal body functions. It is a normal catch all area. If we have nowhere to put something, sometimes it ends up in this area. Sometimes we get duplications here also. I see the Medula Oblongata here (pg 160, 2024 manual) and we talked about that the other day. This deals primarily with wattage and energy coming from cell phones, microwaves, and what not.

PHYLLIS: Then you have Plastic Estrogen, and TBAs and something I can't even pronounce, (Phthalates, pg. 126) You can put those on the plastic bottles that will get rid of any of that energy that might be bothering you .


They use estrogen to harden plastic, and that estrogen can actually go into the contents of the bottle. This, in opinion is particularly harmfully, or connected to, autism. The BPA is another energy that goes into some plastics.

Those three numbers will undo those effects and it doesn't hurt anybody to do them every once in a while. (pg. 126, 2024 manual)

As to the stop smoking, they may be of benefit, but you have to WANT to stop . There's probably no number in the world that will stop you if you want to keep smoking.

Now we go to nutrition (pg 163) They basically speak for themselves- I'm looking at banana- you can read that number 10 times and you will get all the nutrition of a dozen =- maybe 50-bananas, so you can take any number here, and you will get the benefit of whatever food or nutrient that you think you may need or want. In this way you can get nourishment from things you can't afford or don't like. After all, when you eat that food, what you are really getting is THAT NUMBER ! It doesn't come in a number form, it comes in an energetic form, but this is the frequency of the energy of that item. So that sort speaks for itself. There is so much more work to be done in this area, if time permits.

Now we go on to page (pg. 18, 2024 manual) - these are solar energies, and if you are healthy, you will have all these numbers. If you are not healthy, you may need these natural salts or sugars, but these are all things that are essential to the body.

Phyllis, I need to make a correction - for the Silica 10 - I have a different number for that – 68273846587 (Editor's Note: there is a Silica 10 Increase pg 136 and a Silica 10 pg. 18 that Lloyd mentions here)
This is Isotope 10 and that's the one that is most beneficial for the human body.

Under the natural sugars, the number 26 has to deal with weight - Sodium 26 - that NA stands for Sodium Isotope 26

Now we go to Organ Support , and this is a very big player. (pg.181, 2024 manual) If you are having a bladder infection, (pg 182) these numbers are very effective, or if you are having a leakage problem, strengthening your bladder meridian (pg 199) is perhaps the best number to get that under control. The number for prolapsed bladder was very beneficial (pg. 182).

Carbon very often calms an upset stomach (pg. 199). The liver speaks for themselves.

The lung, it depends on what you are dealing with to know which ones would be effective.

Asthma (pg. 182, 2024 manual) and emphysema really work well. (page 184 ) Asthma is a life time problem, and we have a lot of people who have used it and are free of this problem.

Now we go to the Ileocecal Valve- (pg 54, 2024 manual) this is what keeps the 'garbage from backing up into the kitchen'.

Endocrine System is next - pretty self explanatory (pg 66, 2024 manual) there is one here, Calcium 51, (pg. 67) unfortunately, is the most commonly supplied calcium supplement, and sometimes the parathyroid, which controls calcium in the body, will have too much of the wrong type of calcium, and that number will help eliminate it from the body.

Then you have the hormones, and that kind of explains itself.

Then there is pain (pg. 201). If you are really in pain , like passing a kidney stone , or maybe having a gall stone, you can actually take this number 1643 (morphine med pg 203) and you can write it on a bottle or on a piece of paper - make sure you are 108 frequency- then put your right hand on the bottle of water and read that number over and over again about 10 times until the frequency is in the water, then you can take it up to potential - in this case you are NOT going to be drinking this water- you are going to be using it as a pain killer - so you can take it up to 150,000 potential, or maybe even up to 200,000 potential and people tell me that really kills pain. You lay that bottle on your left thigh. Once you understand how to use energy in this manner, it's really pretty neat. It's a bit hard to explain to some people, but if you are ever in a lot of pain, call, and we can walk you through it. Once you are onto it, it is so simple.

You also have medication frequencies -Vicodin (pg. 204) which is a really good one, and ibuprofen (pg. 204), Motrin (pg. 203), etc.

Next you have bed sores, canker sores, gout...

Then you have one called bio shield frequency (pg. 203) That is for the sciatic nerve problem- that's the number you want to be working with. Once again, if you put that pain number on a bag of water- up the potential - put it in your left back pocket and you are sort of sitting right on top of it - it seems to work well to control sciatic pain.

Next we go to Parkinson's (pg. 205 2024 manual)

We don't pretend to be a world expert on Parkinson's because we don't see enough of it, but we have had a couple of patients over the years. It's more for identification purposes, but you have to have an understanding of Parkinson's, and these have been developed from the insights of those who have worked with it. The tremor numbers have been somewhat effective, so if you're having the tremors, it's worth doing all of those.

Now we go to page 209, and this is a totally different approach to health. This is really based on the concept that PHI is the foundation energy of everything on earth and Hydrogen in one form or another accompanies it to create. In the case of PHI Hydrogen 2, the animal kingdom was created out of that combination of energy. So these pages are based on the principle that those two energies are absolutely perfect for the body.

Now, don't worry about that second number that is tagging on behind- that is the number that I check - when I am reading 'eliminating cancer '-68784267...--over and over again, I am checking the 7139 number to see when I can read that in your system. At some point that number will show up, and that tells me that you have read the 6878 number enough times that you can quit. The 7139 is the second number, and there may be 10 different numbers, and as you read the 6878 number enough times, the first one to come in will be number 10 ,then number 9, 8, 7 ,6 ,and when you get up to number 2, I know you are all complete. If you are doing somebody else, and you are able to identify their frequencies, then those are the numbers you would check as well to make sure that they read it enough.

PHYLLIS : most of these numbers are scattered throughout the manual where they are supposed to be so you may see them a couple times or more.

On the bottom of my page 160 , you will see 'Normalize function Nadis'- all those conjugation and pathway numbers you get to Lymph pathway, Pancreas pathway (199) and oxidation protection, sulfation conjugation pathway (pg 233, 2024 manual), all those conjugation and pathway numbers are controlled by the Nadis numbers. These are all detox channels. If the body is toxic at all, you want all these channels opened up so the detox can take place.

So if you want to detox your gall bladder or your body, you would want to use that Nadis number (pg 160). It ties in with the Chakra system, and it connects to energies that are trying to defend your body. It can be outside energies; it can even be a tree - We have a tree that gives off bad energy and I have to change its energy around. The Nadis protects you, and if it goes down, you may be taking in these other energies. There are a lot of new energies being developed, and you want to keep this healthy because it's a big part of your protection. When it goes down, all the detox capability of the body goes with it.


We go over to Reproductive (pg. 211 ). And again , it basically speaks for itself. Hot flashes - you might get some help. Next is skin, (pg. 217), and once again, it speaks for itself. So often people call with skin problems, but it's not really a skin problem - it's a detox problem - the skin is having to get rid of something from the body and it's coming out through the skin and its causing the condition.
So treating the skin in not the solution- you have to dig in and treat the detox issue. The skin will clear up once you have the detox problem solved.

Phyllis:  Down at the bottom you have shingles (pg. 219) both of those numbers- the 5696 and the 9937 numbers -we've had some people who have had great success with these numbers.

I'd like to know about broken blood capillaries in the skin. You might try the Seborrheic   .... brown spot elim (pg 219)- but you'd have to do it quite a while to get the brown spots to disappear. I have a new number in update 5 which Phyllis is right now typing up - it has to do with the valves in the blood vessels- they have little valves that don't allow the blood to go back once it has passes through, and sometimes they get to malfunctioning and which puts pressure which I think allows these little 'veinlets' to break out so it's basically energizing the health of those little valves so the blood can flow back to the heart without being pressurized and that would be another approach you'd want to do doing with varicose veins. (Editor's Note: I believe Lloyd is talking about the number for Vein value function normalize pg 17)

You have Myofascial tissue (pg 149)

I was looking for skin inflammation - we have a couple of inflammation numbers coming out in update #5. (Editor's Note: Skin Outbreak Reduce pg 221)

Reaction Catalyst- works great for all kinds of bites . (pg 77)

Now we are on sleep –( pg.223). Again, if it works for you fine - that's about as far as we've gotten on sleep issues. It's an ongoing issue to find answers to everyone's sleep issues.

Phyllis: the Hypothalamus number back in the glands -= stabilize the hypothalamus because that stabilizes everything in the body. the 9873 (pg 90)- the bottom number controls all the other 21 numbers.

Now we go to the biggest battle we have to fight today - and this is the spirochete bacteria (pg 228)

This is so much bigger than Lyme disease- when you get to talking to experts about this, and they say it's epidemic, and I don't doubt it. I have two of them in my body, one in my left wrist and one in my left knee, and I've been living with it for at least three years, maybe longer. This can be so devastating. It plays out in so many ways. It may be a mutated form of syphilis. It's a spiral bacteria, and there is only one tiny black spot that is different than the syphilis bacteria, so it's fairly well accepted as a sister to syphilis. Anyway, it can really raise hell - it is REALLY a bad situation.

We have 3 of 4 numbers coming out in update 5. (Editor's Note: Spirochete Elim #s pg 228)

What are the effects? Balance, you want to keep tipping over, and the resistance by the insurance companies that it even exists. It is very difficult to diagnose - and we have one fellow right now who has one in his ankle, and he is almost disabled.

Phyllis: and he's also been told NOT to say that he has Lyme because the insurance WILL NOT PAY for it. I'd love for someone someday to work on nothing but this problem, This spirochete can actually go into a cell, and be there for two months and you are not being affected at all, but then it comes out and reproduces and you're right back at it.

The spirochete can even lodge in the Hypothalamus, and the hypothalamus - being the control panel is sending out bad messages and the body is responding to these messages, and it is the spirochete that is sending out the messages. There is very little known about it.

Go down a bit and there is something called Ehrlichiosis elim (pg 228) and Ehrlichiosis is caused by this spirochete and it gets into your skin and your skin just gets raw- it gets into your scalp and your will have great big patches where your hair falls out and your skin will just be raw. One young lady in N. Calif has it on her nose and the skin just peels off leaving her nose be raw flesh.

There are all sorts of co-infections attached to this thing. It sounds like these are totally debilitating - yes-

Now we go to the nervous system (pg 150) Sometimes you can be doing the spinal flow number at the bottom, the 9269 and the next one- the 7476 -sometimes we have to do both numbers to get the energy to flow- it's not a bad habit to get used to doing both numbers and the other day we were dealing with a lady whose hands went numb and she needed the numbers that dealt with that part of the body. (chart pg, 151) this chart will show you what area that particular part of the vertebra is feeding and it will help you know where it is you need to be doing numbers, and you may find that you have to do that specific number at that location - let's assume it's the C5, C6 , you may have to read the 181 and 179 numbers over and over again because it isn't necessarily coming in with the spinal flow numbers at the bottom. You need more attention in that specific area.

(they spent time discussing corrections that have now been made in the 2014 book)

Now we go to page Teeth (pg 231)

One of the things that allows bacteria to grow in the mouth is an excessive level of iron and you don't have a number for that, but this is a reduction of excessive iron in the mouth. (pg. 232) elim iron 799762 ...... This is common to people who have tooth problems. They usually have too much iron. High iron content in the mouth promotes bacteria.

What about pyorrhea? You might try the Pyorrhea H numbers on pg 232.

The Abcessed tooth- Cipro ( Ciprofloxin) (pg 231) works REALLY well - I even used it on my horse.

Cavitation is in the bone, and this number gets rid of that. (pg 231)

Next is toxins and parasites, pg. 233. It sort of speaks for itself. The biggest problem with parasites is identifying which parasite we are dealing with. Part of the economic reality of trying to support this program is to hire people who can take on projects like this. So we can say, we need ALL the parasites , once they list them all, I can develop numbers for them. It's too big a job for Phyllis and myself, and besides that, I don't want to become too well educated because then my own mind starts to interfere. Once you get too knowledgeable in your own brain, and then your own brain starts to get into the picture. I really function on the basis that I know nothing and it all comes from a higher source, so we get a much purer picture coming in that manner than if I had my mind intermingled in with it.

Now - on page 236-240, 2024 manual , these are all undesirable minerals, and it wouldn't hurt a person to do these every once in a while. Just put your hand on it and it probably takes about 20 minutes - put the palm of your hand on it - it takes about 3 stops per page for most people - and just clean all that stuff out of your system.


You don't read them - that would be a very big job. What you do is you put the palm of your hand over the page, so if you put the meaty part of your hand there, your fingers will be right smack on top of the numbers .

It explains this in the how to use numbers section in the back of the book.

You know, when you think of it, it's got to be nothing but the power of intention. I mean, how in the heck can this possibly work ? And yet , the intention in those numbers is to do something ,so what we don't understand about intention may overwhelm us because there can't be ANY reason why color therapy can be effective in healing you, and yet it does. Music can be effective in healing and how can that possibly be except for the healing intention of the music.

OK we are going to move to vision (pg 241) - once again what it can do for you - they are all self explanatory. One lady had an eye that wouldn't quit watering, and another had no tears- both numbers were very effective for those cases. As for the nutrition, do it the same - just put the palm of your hand on the entire page.

There is a number for Macular Degeneration - there are three numbers there (Editor Note: there are serval now under Vision)
I have taken things from a medical document, and each one has a bit of a different story, but if you have that condition, just do them all. I have a record of all these stories - someday I want to produce all these stories.

He tells the story on an opinion that the Venus Fly Trap has great value as a possible cancer fighting option.

It is in our book under cancer, and for those who like stories, but for those who like stories, it will explain why we developed these.

Now we go to weight (pg. 249)-- If this isn't the biggest battle I've ever tackled, I have no idea what is. TRYING to figure out the problem of the excess weight problem that so many people deal with. So many people want a simple answer to it and I'm not sure I'm successful at it. Apparently, the hypothalamus has something to say about it, and it can be programmed to help with your metabolism. IT is a thankless job- let me tell you - but yet, we have some people who have had great success, and another person does exactly the SAME thing and didn't lose one ounce.

Now, we go to pg 79 (original manual) which is our first update stuff for eyes, (Editor's Note: there are two macular degeneration numbers in Update #1) lots of these are made up of opinions of someone on television - I take that concept and try to develop a number - you may find that one number doesn't do a thing- but by taking them all together , you develop a synergy that does give you benefits.

pp 79- update the UBI ( Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation pg. 16, 2024 manual) medical application for light as a anti-bacterial, anti-viral.
(Editor’s Note: UBI are a series of lights that give off a different frequency from each light. Used as ultraviolet blood irradiation to clean the blood. The medical developers said their system if effective for bird-flu virus etc. Lloyd said he’s had clients very sick in bed that aren’t helped much until these five UBI light frequencies are used. Lloyd says he’s found these to be very effective.)

Lots of discussion about numbers that have now been incorporated into our book .

If you are able to determine -by pendulum or whatever, you can ask, do you have this number- and if they don't have this number, they may very well have that type of candida.

8853 (pg. 230) - is the most effective number for the spirochete attacking the hypothalamus at this time. Right below it is Hypothalamus stem cell repair (pg 67, 2024 manual), so if there's been damage done in that area , you want to do the second number as well to rebuild the damage.

This number is NOT a natural number to the body (the 8853 number), so what we are doing is putting a foreign energy into that area of the body so the spirochete leaves. The theory was, can we develop a way to energize that part of the body so the spirochete does not like that type of energy and it gets out of there. It doesn't cause it to leave the body, but it does cause it to leave the hypothalamus so your body can somewhat manage this condition. But you have to do this on a regular basis or it disappears.

Then we go to the vital nutrients- it is basically self explanatory (pg. 248)

If you are putting a number on a bottle, it doesn't matter if it's facing in or out - this is in line with Dr. Yamamoto's works. You have to repotentiate the nano water (Lloyd is talking here about the water he sells) once a month also - get it up to 35,000. You can repotentiate your water every day if you wish. You need 16 oz of (Lloyd's) Nano water per day. Then you can drink whatever else you wish during the day. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are for educational purposes only. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Copyright 2021