APOE4 Elim

So, Hubby and I decided to do the genetic testing for Alzheimer’s and Cardio Vascular disease. I really wanted to know my risk because I have both diseases in my family genetics.
The gene that you test for is called APOE, Apolipoprotein E.

You inherit one APOE gene from each parent so you end up with a pair. There’s APOE 2 or 3 or 4 and you can have any combination of the two, one from each parent. The APOE gene is significant as it indicates how well you can detox heavy metals like mercury. Inheriting a bad pair can lead to a difficulty in detoxing heavy metals. A good pair, well lets just say ‘you’re golden’ into your Golden Years.

Take a look at the image below. You’ll notice that the APOE2 gene has 2 cysteine molecules. These cysteine molecules are capable of carrying 2 mercury atoms out of the cell. They transport the mercury atom from inside the cell, through the cell wall to the outside where is is taken up by other molecules (like chlorella, if you take it as a supplement. Yay! for chlorella again!) and is transported out of the body.
But look what happens is you have the APOE3 gene. One of the cysteines has been replaced with an arginine. And if I may quote Dr Klinghardt : “Arginine doesn’t do sh*t”. So now you have a transport chain that can only take out half of the mercury trash from your cells.
It’s interesting to note that 60% of the population has two APOE3 genes (remember, one from each parent).

If you happen to have both APOE4 genes, then both cysteines have disappeared. If you’re one of these folks, don’t despair. But you certainly might consider a detox program to help your body release mercury from the cells. N-acetylcysteine can help but it may not be enough. Speak to a Naturopath or Functional medicine doctor that can assist you.

When Hubby and I sent in our DNA samples, I wanted to increase my odds of getting favorable results. So of course I wrote the APOE4 Elim number on the outside of our envelopes.
I like to believe it worked because our results were favorable.
(I wonder if anyone at the Lab saw the numbers, hee hee)

Table for Test Results from Life Extension Foundation.

If you’re interested in getting tested, we got our tests from Life Extension Foundation. I like using LEF for tests because tests results are not given to your insurance company. Call me paranoid, but I really don’t want to share my genetic code with any company!
LEF uses Kashi Labs in Oregon and they promise to destroy your DNA sample after 60 days.
You can get the test here : LEF APOE4 Test

Thank you for reading!




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