Porphyromonas Gingivalis. This bug completely blew me away!
I’ll tell you why but first, a couple years ago I went to a conference and listened to Dr Zach Bush (I just Love Him) and he put up a power point slide that showed that the chances of getting Alzheimer’s/Dementia in the not too distant future was one in one! The entire audience gasped! Could it be true? How can we stop such a catastrophe?
The key may be in this bug.
There’s basically 4 major risk factors for Alzheimer’s:
Aluminum Toxicity
Herpes Viruses
Vascular Supply to the Brain
Porphyromonas Gingivalis
Porphyromonas G. (PG) may be the Number One risk factor which is actually goods news because we can do something about it.
Porphyromonas G is one of the main bugs that causes Periodontitis. Periodontitis is when the soft tissue around the teeth gets infected.
Once this bug makes itself at home it releases a biotoxin called Gingipains that goes right up into the brain. Once there it causes inflammation and it is neurotoxic to brain cells.
So what can we do? For one, if your dentist told you that you have periodontitis you need to treat it. Unfortunately, the average dentist’s way of treating it is with antibiotics like Cipro. Yuck!
Back in Aug. 2022 I wrote about propolis and today I will again. Propolis kills Porphyromas G. AND leaves the good bugs in your mouth behind. What could be better than that!? Another potent PG killer is Curry Leaf. (1)
Now here’s the catch! You have to get the propolis and/or curry leaf into the pockets surrounding the teeth where PG hides out.
I use a syringe with a very fine tip called a VitaPick. Probably best to use the curry leaf (diluted in water) in this device because propolis is very, very sticky and will clog the tip quickly. To get the propolis in there, I use dental floss. Take a one ounce plastic cup and put a couple drops of propolis in there. Add about a 1/4 ounce of water. Wrap your dental floss around your finger and dip it into the propolis water. While you floss, keep rewetting the floss with your fingers. So dip your fingers and rewet as you move from tooth to tooth. Easy right?!
I’m working on a new source for the syringes so stay tuned! I’ll let you know when I have them in stock.
One more little trick. If you have a spot that you know has a deep pocket, try a whole organic clove. Take one clove, remove the sharp edges, and place it along your gum-line at night in line with the deep pocket. While clove is a little less effective at killing PG it still does the job. And keeping it tucked into the gum all night allows the clove chemicals to penetrate the gums.
Oh, and two more things…..you can buy propolis toothpaste and mouthwash. It’s a much better option than Listerine. Stuff like Listerine kills all bugs! You don’t want to do that. Killing all the good bugs leaves greater opportunities for the bad bugs like PG to survive.
And ask your dentist to order a test for PG through Oral DNA. 80% of us have PG, it’s not uncommon. But you want to know if you have a high amount.
Knowledge is Power.
As always!! None of this is medical advice! Always consult your health care provider before trying anything new.
Thank you for reading!
A good source for organic propolis is beehealthyfarms.com
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(1) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34684236/
(2) https://content.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-alzheimers-disease-reports/adr200250
(3) https://www.oraldna.com/test/myperiopath/