Scar Tissue
I never knew scars could be so interesting.
Of course, there’s the romanticized view of scars that they are a badge of honor or that they are reminders of what we’ve been through in life.
There’s also the energetic side of scars that tells a different story.
A good analogy of a scar is to think of an ionizing air purifier. The kind that has a metal mesh screen that allows for an electrical current to flow through it to create ions. This mesh screen is like your skin. Now, punch a little hole in the screen (no, don’t actually do it, lol, this is just an example) and you’ll get sparks. The sparks are like the scar, disrupting the flow of electrical energy.
Scars creates frictional electricity every time a person moves. That frictional energy is discharged into the ANS (autonomic nervous system) and short-circuits in the Hypothalamus. This leads to dysregulation of the ANS which controls everything from circadian rhythm, fight or flight response, emotions, body temperature, etc.
Dry needling is a wonderful treatment for scars because it can help untangle the collagen fibers. Using wheat germ oil can help too. Oh, and castor oil is wonderful for breaking up scar tissue. But we can also use our energy healing toolbox.
I really like the idea of releasing the emotional trauma behind the scar. As an example, Dr Klinghardt spoke of a woman who had a c-section scar that he treated for the emotional trauma surrounding the birth of her child. She was to have a natural birth, but complications arose. These trapped emotions were then released, and her migraines disappeared!
Any scar in the body can have an effect on another system anywhere in the body.
So, test your scars! I have an old scar on my right forehead from when I was about 5yrs old. I was practicing my ballerina skills and cracked my head open on the coffee table. I’ve also had a long-standing issue with my spine around C7-T1. I was curious if they were related, so I muscle tested. When I held both points, the scar and the spine, then muscle tested and asked, I got a strong yes that the two are related. I began Tapping on the scar and my spine while accessing the traumatic memory of the hospital and the doctors holding me down (it took three of them!!). I recited the number to allow energy to flow through the scar tissue and wow! I got a very strong tingly sensation along with a noticeable difference in discomfort in my neck! Pretty cool stuff!
Try it and share your experience below.
Thank you for reading!
Love and Hugs,
Dry Needling Scar Tissue to Regulate the Autonomic Nervous System & Improve Health (
Scars are Stressors to the Autonomic Nervous System [ANS] (