You need to learn to speak Lloyd’s Language.
For some of you, this language will be second nature. For others, especially if English is not your first language, it may be a little difficult in the beginning.
First off, the manual is set up in Category format. Each category represents areas that Lloyd worked on with clients. The majority of his frequencies were developed for clients. Some he developed by reading an article about the subject or seeing something on tv. But most were issues clients had.
Lloyd was a civil engineer in the mining industry and did not have a medical background. Nor did he ever want one after he started to develop numbers. He thought, and rightly so, that it might affect his ability to stay out of the way when developing numbers. Without medical knowledge, he didn’t have any pre-judgements about what the client needed. It worked well for him.
Most of the categories speak for themselves but there were often times when he would develop a number for which it was difficult to place. These ‘bucket’ categories would be Normal Body, Frequencies and the category Emotions. The rest I think you’ll understand by its title.
In the next Lesson we’ll talk about the difference between Elimination and Balancing numbers. But for this moment, I want to help you understand how to read the descriptors.
To understand the descriptors, you’ll need to do a little translating in your head. I’ll give you some examples:
Under Nervous System you have ‘Nervous system elim attacking nervous system 98688748987’. When you first encounter an elim number like this you might go “Huh”?
So, here’s the hint; you translate it to Subject: ‘nervous system’. What is means: ‘eliminate that which is attacking the nervous system’.
Here’s another one from the same page:
’Nervous system elim that negative affecting something that affects nervous systems 86687787965’. What? That’s a doozy!
Translated it means, subject: ‘nervous system’ and meaning: ‘eliminate whatever it is that is affecting something that affects the nervous system’. We don’t know what that something is, but Lloyd’s dowsing said there was ‘something’ affecting it. Some of the energies that Lloyd encountered were unknown energies with no names. Some he had to dowse what the name was as in OSUPER, which is a carcinogen coming from the petroleum industry.
I remember once when the number for OSUPER came up for a client with breast cancer. We at first were puzzled until I asked her if she had ever been around oil or gasoline. Turned out her dad had a car repair shop, and she spent a lot of time there. She distinctly remembered the smell of motor oil.
Here’s a couple more examples, in this case these are Balancing numbers:
Spinal cord end of normalize 5862576669745864
Translated: Normalize end of spinal cord
Kidney right elim cause of weak 68376879325
Translated: Eliminate the cause of the right kidney being weak
Easy peasy, right?! I hope that helps you understand the basics of the descriptors.
Let’s move forward…..