Life just functions better with these fundamental frequencies.

I’ve always been intrigued by the Fundamental Frequencies on page 76 of the manual (2024 Ed.). Lloyd would always check his new clients to be sure these numbers were present. Not having one of these frequencies is a marker for how to proceed with the client and what to research in the manual.

#08 98279587658 Protection from viruses and infections
#14 67553896788 Protection from autoimmune diseases
#20 79588496489 Protection from schizophrenia
#23 86798697886 Protection from Bi-Polar, cancer
#28 41762995777 Protection from Alzheimer's, Dementia
#38 76886697558 Emotional Frequency

There are so many interesting aspects of these numbers and they are so important to our energetic health.

These are the Frequencies of chemical element Promethium or Pm. Discovered by scientists in 1945, Promethium is named after Prometheus of Greek mythology who stole fire from the Gods and gave it to humans. Prometheus is also credited with the creation of humanity from clay which interestingly coincides with what Lloyd tells us about the element Promethium.

Lloyd determined the 6 frequencies above are the frequencies of Promethium. These 6 Frequencies (and possibly a 7th) come in from the cosmos into the fetus at around 6 months of pregnancy and this ‘programming’ stays turned on for approximately 21 days. These frequencies help energetically create a healthy newborn. So, while not creating life out of clay as Prometheus the god did, it’s creating life with energy.

These frequencies of Promethium are also theorized by Lloyd to bring in the other vitamins and minerals for the developing baby. He realized this when he would dowse a pregnant women and find that she was deficient in certain vitamins or minerals. This deficiency was not found in the fetus. So where was the fetus getting these isotopes? He theorized that Promethium was bringing them in. Whether this is true or not, it is interesting that a pregnant woman with scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) is not known to give birth to a baby with scurvy.

”Pregnant women with low vitamin C intakes are not known to give birth to a scorbutic infants. Studies of breast-feeding women also indicate not only the freedom from scurvy in their infants, but also a larger amount of vitamin C in their milk than the women themselves consume daily.”(1)

So where is this Vitamin C coming from if not the Cosmos!

It is believed by some that Promethium is a scalar wave, or a standing wave of vacuum space. That all the universe, all of the vacuum space of the universe is permeated by the scalar, or standing wave of Promethium. All six frequencies.

Through the art of dowsing, these six frequencies can be detected in the fetus and in the newborn. It stays present in the newborn up until 6-7 months old when the baby starts to eat solid foods. All fruits and vegetables have one of these frequencies. An orange may have Frequency #8, a carrot may have Frequency #23.
Eating organic fresh vegetables and fruits ensures that you get these fundamental frequencies all throughout your life.

If one of the frequencies goes missing you can lose your energetic protection against certain illnesses. For example, if one suffers a trauma, they may lose Frequency #28. Missing this energetic frequency can leave one energetically vulnerable to Alzheimer’s, Dementia or Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

It’s good to always check your client for the presence of these frequencies. You can even ask on a scale of 1-10 how much of this energy they have, 10 being optimal.

I’ve also learned from a reliable source that these Fundamental Frequencies may also be related to the Chakras and you can muscle test the chakras to see if one of the frequencies is out.

Chakra Frequencies:
#08 98279587658 Root Chara
#14 67553896788 Sacral
#20 79588496489 Solar Plexus
#23 86798697886 Heart
#28 41762995777 Throat
#38 76886697558 Third Eye

We don’t know at this point if there is a Life Functional Frequency for the Crown Chakra, a 7th Frequency. I asked Lloyd about this but he wasn’t aware that we could test the Chakras for the frequencies. We may never know but I thought it was so cool that we could test this way for these numbers.

Now we do have Frequency #177 but this is not related to the Crown Chakra. Lloyd says frequency #177 has something to do with a person's sexual preference. Heterosexuals are more likely to have this frequency present. There is no number for this frequency as Lloyd didn't find it appropriate to develop one.

Something else interesting is that Promethium has never been found in the crust of the earth. But it has been found that a star in the Andromeda galaxy is manufacturing promethium. No one knows how or why.


Let’s move forward……you’re doing great!