What’s an Identification number?
Also, H numbers and numbers with dashes.

In total, there are about 35 ID, Identification numbers in the manual. But these 35 numbers are some of the most confusing.
For the most part, the ID numbers are used to Identify a problem. They were a way for Lloyd to gauge his success when working with a client.

Used as a marker, if someone tests positive for Brain Cancer ID, then it is your clue to go looking for why that number is showing up. Once you have corrected the imbalance you can go back and retest the ID number. If you found the imbalance and corrected it, the ID number should disappear.

ID numbers are never recited 7 times like you would with the Elimination or Balancing numbers. But sometimes, and here’s where it starts to get confusing, you can recite the number in reverse.

The instances where you can use an ID Number in reverse are marked as such in the manual as “ID Reversed”. Using an ID number in reverse can be thought of as scrambling the original message and bringing back balance. But the question is, have you corrected the problem? Or have you just gotten rid of the best clue that you had that something was up?

Which is why I have always recommended using the ID numbers as markers. Used in this way you can always go back and check your work.

There is one ID number in the manual that is actually an ID number we all should have. Lloyd says that if someone is missing this number then he starts looking for cancer.
The number is:
Cancer Pattern-Master ID Protected 97918653829 on page 30 (2024 edition) and page 26 (2014).

It may help you in understanding the ID numbers if when reading the description such as Basic Weight ID or Retention Weight ID page 249 (2024 Ed.) page 216 (2014 Ed.) if you preface it with “Identifying a problem with” as in “Identifying a problem with Basic Weight”. Or ‘Identifying a problem with Weight Retention”.

Additional notes:
If you are working on a client and an ID number comes up, ask why?
A client will never ‘need’ an ID number.

It is not recommended to reverse an ID number if it is not already designated in the manual as ‘ID Reversed’.

ID Numbers were never intended to ‘fix’ a problem. Their intention is to Identify a problem.

Death Energy ID Number:
This number requires a little more explanation than the other ID numbers in the manual. Testing for this number is different than just testing if a client has an ID number present.

The Death Energy ID number is used for identifying the energy of death coming into the energy body. There's basically two ways you can measure this energy.

1. You can dowse or muscle test 4768784267934267 coming in from left to right by starting with the firsts digits and asking is this present, moving onto the next digits, until you get to the last digits 4267. If there is no presence of the number then there is no Death Energy. But if your MT or dowsing confirms that 4267 is in or 934267 is in, then you can surmise that Death Energy is building.

2. You can also test in the opposite direction. First asking if the last 2 digits are present. If you get a yes, then move onto the next digits and ask if 4267 is in. I personally prefer this way because numbers build from the right so testing from right to left makes sense to me.

Both ways are correct in that you are looking to see if this energy is building in the energy body. We always hope that it is not present.

Additional Note:
It's important to note that this energy builds from the right. We don't know why this is but it is what Lloyd has determined over the last 20 years. Numbers build from the right.

When he developed a number or recited a number it's from left to right which is the normal way that we read. When you read or recite the number, the "energy" of the number comes in from the right with the last digits first. I hope that makes sense.

And one more thing about ID Numbers.
As mentioned above, there are only a few instances where you would use an ID number in reverse. These are all marked in the manual as “ID Reversed’. The ID numbers that are not marked as ‘ID Reversed‘ are strictly used as Identification numbers.

ALL the numbers in the manual are recited from left to right including the ‘ID Reversed’ numbers because they have already been reversed for you.

Basic Weight ID 856835 - read left to right when testing the client
Basic Weight Elim (ID reversed) 538658 - read left to right as 5 3 8 6 5 8 if muscle testing or dowsing determines that it may be helpful.

When going through the manual, DO NOT ask by muscle testing or Dowsing “do I need this number in reverse?” because it is meaningless within Lloyd’s system. Take for instance the number for conscious stable 778899003, there would never be a reason to ask if you need it in reverse.

H Numbers and Numbers with dashes:
A quick note about H Numbers and numbers with dashes. This is covered under the FAQ page on the Explorer Plan.

The H represents hydrogen, as an example H61 is an isotope of hydrogen.
H numbers in the manual are recited by saying H61, H61, H61 5X and then move onto the next H.

The H numbers are part of a program that Lloyd was working on based on Hydrogen being a basic elemental building block of almost everything in the universe.

You'll find these H numbers throughout the manual.

An interesting side note here about isotopes. The US Energy Department has a book listing all the isotopes for all the elements on the periodic table. This book is not published to the public, but Lloyd had a copy that was given to him by a friend. We are told that an element like Hydrogen has only 3 isotopes. In this book, however, you’ll find many, many more isotopes for some elements. These isotopes can be quite dangerous and Governments really don’t want scientists playing around with all these elements. It’s safer to keep this information ‘unpublished’. So, if you’re wondering where the isotopes for the Mineral Energy Frequencies came from? Now you know.

Numbers with dashes, the majority of which are under PHI, pg. 209 (2024 Ed.). Lloyd's theory was that PHI is a founding energy for everything on earth and H2 (Hydrogen 2) really accompanies PHI to create.

Lloyd believes the animal kingdom was created out of these two energies.

When you see two numbers separated by a dash, Lloyd had the person say the number before the dash and then he 'read’ the number after the dash coming in. When the second number is in, he knows the first number is in too.

I hope you have a better understanding of ID numbers, H numbers, numbers with dashes and how to use them.