You gotta get it open.
On page 150 (2024 Ed.) you will find all the numbers for our vertebrae from the cervical to the sacrum. All these numbers should be present for energy to flow freely through the spine.
If you find some of these numbers are missing, then Lloyd recommended doing this number for Spinal Flow 926947797; recite 7 times. Then recheck. If all the numbers do not show present, then do the next two numbers below. They are Spinal Flow 7476887563 and Access Spinal Flow 583771365. This should open up the energy flow through the spine.
Lloyd mentioned in the Transcript that if you cannot get the energy to flow through the spine, check for an emotional blockage. Sometimes emotions or stress can shut down the flow. It is recommended to use:
Psoas Muscle-emotional trauma elim 87689787487
The Psoas muscle is a storehouse for trapped emotions and when it’s blocked it can cause a lot of problems for the body.
It is always good for you and your client to do this number. I just checked myself with muscle testing and found that I had the number, but I got a rather weak ‘Yes’ to the question. To strengthen its presence, I recited it 7 times.
Note to Chiropractors and practitioners who work on the spine. This is a Pro Tip from Lloyd and Phyllis: Emotions and trauma can shut down the flow and even a spinal adjustment won’t fix that. Check that your client has this number, 926947797. They’ll thank you for that.
Let’s keep moving…. who’s awesome? You’re awesome!!